DMZ Gateway Knowledgebase Articles
For further assistance, refer to the following articles in the Globalscape Knowledgebase.
#10213 - When connecting to EFT Server via DMZ Gateway Server, how does authentication take place?
#10686 - Connecting to a Remote Host Using DMZ Gateway as a Proxy
#10710 - Overriding the default Profile limit in DMZ Gateway
#10865 - Overriding the default Network Access Policy Exception limit in DMZ Gateway
#10866 - Overriding the default SOCKS5 Connection Security in DMZ Gateway
#11060 - Why isn't the Peer Notification Channel (PNC) encrypted?
#11114 - Installing or Upgrading DMZ Gateway in a Failover (ACTIVE/PASSIVE) Cluster
#11199 - Does the GHOST vulnerability affect any Globalscape products?
#11205 - Using CuteFTP® with DMZ Gateway® for testing remote EFT™ Connections
#11302 - Why do clients connect to EFT showing the IP of the Netscaler load balancer?
#11416 - EFT Site cannot connect to the second DMZ Gateway even though the host name matches
#11434 - Specify to do DNS lookups on the EFT Server or DMZ Gateway Server
#11447 - Can I use EFT and DMZ Gateway on separate networks, remote from each other, across a WAN?
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