File System Variables

File name, date, size, path, etc. that was transferred; also report name and content

Text Displayed



Report File


The full path of the report generated by the Generate Report Action, including the file name. This variable can be used in copy/move, OpenPGP, and custom commands that have a failure Event defined, but should not be used for custom command actions that do not have a failure Event defined.)

In some cases, it may be more appropriate to use %FS.REPORT_CONTENT% because this variable represents a copy of the contents of the file rather than a link to the file, which is only good so long as the file exists. For example, since the file will be deleted when EFT stops processing the Event Rule, do not use this variable in email notifications; use %FS.REPORT_CONTENT% instead.
Report Content


Contents of the report generated by the Generate Report Action. This variable is typically used after creation of an HTML report, in an email notification action, where it is desirable to embed the HTML contents of the report as the email body.

Report File Name


The name of a report file created by a Generate Report action. This variable is typically used after creation of a PDF report file, in an email notification, to provide the destination path for the report file after a Copy/Move action deposits it in a more permanent location.

Virtual Path


Virtual location of the file (See a list of uses for this variable below.)

Physical Path


Physical location of the file

File Change


File change that triggered the Event (added, removed, etc.) Used in Folder Monitor rules

Virtual Folder Name


The structure of the virtual folders

Physical Folder Name


Name of the physical folder

Virtual Directory  Name %FS.VIRTUAL_DIR_NAME% Name of virtual directory, without the whole path
Base File Name


Name of the file without the extension

File Extension


File extension; Takes anything after the last dot (before the extension) and places it into this context variable. (e.g., for document.docx, docx is the value of the variable.) This variable can be used anywhere %FS.BASE_FILE_NAME% can be used.

File Name


Name of the file with the extension

File Size


Size of the file involved in the Event

File CRC


This variable is only applicable for "Verify Uploaded" events using HTTP and HTTPS protocols.

File Creation Date


Date the file was created, in the format YYYY/MM/DD, e.g., 8/28/2007 (not suitable for file naming because of the slashes)

File Creation Time


Time the file was created, in the format HH:MM:SS, e.g., 10:01:56 (not suitable for file naming because of the colons)

File Creation Date in ISO8601 format


File Creation Date in ISO8601 format



File Modification Date in ISO8601 format


File Modification Date in ISO8601 format



Virtual Destination Path


Virtual destination path of the file involved in the Event

Physical Destination Path


Physical destination path of the file

Physical Destination Folder Name


Physical destination folder

Destination File Name


Destination file name

Compressed File Physical Path


Physical path to the compressed file

Compressed File Name


Name of the compressed file with the extension

Compressed File Base Name


Name of the compressed file without the extension

The following Event Rule Actions with paths can support the virtual path context variable (%FS.VIRTUAL_PATH%):

  • Protocol: Upload
    • Source path
  • Protocol: Download
    • Destination path
    • Rename transferred file to
  • Protocol: Synchronize
    • Mirror local - Source path
    • Mirror remote - Destination path
  • Protocol: AS2
    • File(s) to upload
  • Protocol: Email
    • Attach
  • Cloud: Upload
    • Source path
  • Cloud: Download
    • Destination path
    • Rename transferred file to
  • Cloud: Rest/Web Services
    • Save response to - File
  • Compression
    • Source Path
    • Destination Path
  • Cryptography: OpenPGP
    • File to process
  • File: Scan
    • File Path
  • File: Operation
    • Write operation - Destination Path
    • Read operation - Source Path
    • Rename operation - Source Path, Destination Path
    • Delete operation - Source Path
    • Concatenate operation - Source Path A, Source Path B, Destination Path
    • Checksum operation - Source Path
  • Folder: Operation
    • Create action - Path (Destination of the path to be created)
    • Rename action - Path (Source Path), New Path (Destination Path)
    • Delete action - Path (Source Path)
  • Script: Advanced Workflow
    • [Paths from custom parameters list] (Name/Value)