ICIAWSS3VirtualFolderTarget Interface

Specified or retrieves information about AWS S3 cloud storage.

  • Property CloudProviderType As CloudProviderType

  • Retrieves or specifies the cloud provider type.

    HRESULT CloudProviderType([out, retval] CloudProviderType* pVal); 
    HRESULT CloudProviderType([in] CloudProviderType newVal);

    EFT v8.1 and later

  • Property FolderPath As String

  • Retrieves or specifies a folder path on the storage.

    Example of use (C#):

    var s3VFTarget = new CIAWSS3VirtualFolderTarget();
    s3VFTarget.FolderPath = "storageFolder/";

    EFT v8.0.6

  • Property GeneralParams As CICloudAWSS3GeneralParams

  • Get/Set AWS S3 cloud storage general parameters.

    Example of use (C#):

    var s3General = new CICloudAWSS3GeneralParams();
    s3General.BucketName = "bucket";
    s3General.Region     = "us-east-2";
    s3General.Endpoint   = "s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com";
    s3General.AccessKey  = "A2IAAXHMCP6HFDRUIJQ";
    s3General.SecretKey  = "Dg3YypBp1AgG9QGVjsyXTtA0IIazA1QiySYDIv77";
    var s3VFTarget = new CIAWSS3VirtualFolderTarget();
    s3VFTarget.GeneralParams = s3General;
    s3VFTarget.FolderPath = "storageFolder/";

    EFT v8.0.6