ICIAWTaskActionParams Interface

Use ICIAWTaskActionParams to create, modify, retrieve, and execute Automated Workflow Event Rule Actions.

interface ICIAWTaskActionParams : IDispatch

Examples (VBScript):

If ActionStatement.Action.Type = AWTaskAction Then
Set AWTaskParams = ActionStatement.Action.Params
‘ Modify AW Task parameters 
 and assign them back to the action
‘ . . .
 = AWTaskParams
End If

The CIAWTaskActionParams co-class supports creation of the Advanced Workflow Task Event Action. The co-class implements ICIAWTaskActionParams interface.

Set AWTaskParams = CreateObject("SFTPCOMInterface.CIAWTaskActionParams")
‘ Setup AW task parameters
‘ . . .
Rule.AddActionStatement(0, AWTaskParams)


MsgBox AWTaskParams.TaskName & " task will be 


AWTaskParams.TaskName = "Sample SNMP Get"
NOTE: "Function" and "Sub" indicate that the member is a method; "Property" indicates that it is a property.


  • Sub AddVariable(bstrVarName As String, bstrVarValue As String)

  • Adds new variable

    HRESULT AddVariable([in] BSTR bstrVarName,[in] BSTR bstrVarValue);

    Example (VBScript):

    oAWT.AddVariable "Variable_0", "Value_0"

    EFT v6.3 and later

  • Function GetVariableName(nIndex As Long) As String

  • Retrieves a variable name by index.

    HRESULT GetVariableName([in] LONG nIndex,[out,retval] BSTR* pVal);

    Example (VBScript):

    MsgBox "Variable name at 0 index is: " & CStr(oAWT.GetVariableName(0))

    EFT v6.3 and later

  • Function GetVariableValue(nIndex As Long) As String

  • Retrieves a variable value by index.

    HRESULT GetVariableValue([in] LONG nIndex,[out,retval] BSTR* pVal);

    Example (VBScript):

    MsgBox "Variable value at 0 index is: " & CStr(oAWT.GetVariableValue(0))

    EFT v6.3 and later

  • Sub RemoveVariable(nIndex As Long)

  • Remove variable by index.

    HRESULT RemoveVariable(
    [in] LONG nIndex);

    Example (VBScript):

    oAWT.RemoveVariable 0

    EFT v6.3 and later

  • Sub SetVariable(nIndex As Long, bstrVarName As String, bstrVarValue As String)

  • Set new variable name and value by index

    HRESULT SetVariable(
    [in] LONG nIndex,
    [in] BSTR bstrVarName,
    [in] BSTR bstrVarValue);

    Example (VBScript):

    oAWT.AddVariable 1, "NewName", "NewValue"

    EFT v6.3 and later

  • Property TaskName As String

  • Retrieve or specify the name of an Advanced Workflow task to execute.

    HRESULT TaskName([out, retval] BSTR* pVal);
    HRESULT TaskName([in] BSTR newVal);

    EFT v6.1 and later

  • Property VariablesCount As Long read-only

  • Retrieves the number of variables.

    HRESULT VariablesCount([out, retval] LONG* pVal);

    Example (VBScript), retrieving:

    MsgBox "Variable count is: " & oAWT.VariablesCount

    EFT v6.3 and later

  • Property WaitUntilCompletes As Boolean

  • Specify whether the Event Rule should wait for this action to complete.

    HRESULT WaitUntilCompletes([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pVal);
    HRESULT WaitUntilCompletes([in] VARIANT_BOOL newVal);

    EFT v8.0.5