ICIBackupArchiveInfo Interface

Use the ICIBackupArchiveInfo interface members to retrieve or specify backup information. For details of backing up or restoring EFT Server, refer to "Backing Up or Restoring Server Configuration" in the EFT Server documentation.

interface ICIBackupArchiveInfo : IDispatch
NOTE:  "Sub" indicates that the member is a method; "Property" indicates that it is a property.


  • Property ARMAuthenticationType As ARMAuthenticationType

  • Retrieves or specifies audit database authentication type – SQL server authentication or Windows authentication.

    HRESULT ARMAuthenticationType([out, retval] ARMAuthenticationType* pVal);
    HRESULT ARMAuthenticationType([in] ARMAuthenticationType newVal);

    Example (VBScript):


    If WindowsAuthentication = oBackup.ARMAuthenticationType Then
    End If


    oBackup.ARMAuthenticationType = SQLServerAuthentication

    EFT v6.3 and later

  • Property ARMDatabaseName As String

  • Retrieves or specifies ARM database name.

    HRESULT ARMDatabaseName([out, retval] BSTR *pVal);
    HRESULT ARMDatabaseName([in] BSTR newVal);

    Example (VBScript):


    MsgBox "ARM database name is: " & oBackup.ARMDatabaseName


    oBackup.ARMDatabaseName = "EFTDB"

    EFT v6.3 and later

  • Property ARMDatabaseType As ARMDatabaseType

  • Retrieves or specifies audit database type.

    HRESULT ARMDatabaseType([out, retval] ARMDatabaseType* pVal);
    HRESULT ARMDatabaseType([in] ARMDatabaseType newVal);

    Example (VBScript):


    If Oracle = oBackup.ARMDatabaseType Then
    End If


    oBackup.ARMDatabaseType = SQLServer

    EFT v6.3 and later

  • Property ARMFailureAuditFolder As String

  • Retrieves or specifies folder to save auditing data when the database has an error.

    HRESULT ARMFailureAuditFolder([out, retval] BSTR* pVal);
    HRESULT ARMFailureAuditFolder([in] BSTR newVal)

    Example (VBScript):


    Auditfolder = oBackup.ARMFailureAuditFolder


    oBackup.ARMFailureAuditFolder = "C:\some_folder"

    EFT v6.3 and later

  • Property ARMFailureEmailList As String

  • Retrieves or specifies a failure notification list of emails. The property is a string with the following format:

    email :== recipient_name<addr@server.domain> | addr@server.domain
    email_list :== email; email_list | e
    HRESULT ARMFailureEmailList([out, retval] BSTR* pVal);
    HRESULT ARMFailureEmailList([in] BSTR newVal);

    Example (VBScript):

    strEmailList = oBackup.ARMFailureEmailList
    If strEmailList <> "" Then
    strEmailList = strEmailList + "; "
    End If
    strEmailList = strEmailList + "NewRecipientName<SomeAddr@SomeMailServer.com>"
    oBackup.ARMFailureEmailList = strEmailList

    EFT v6.3 and later

  • Property ARMHealConnection As Boolean

  • Enables or disables the ARM connection healing mechanism.

    HRESULT ARMHealConnection([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pVal);
    HRESULT ARMHealConnection([in] VARIANT_BOOL newVal);

    Example (VBScript):


    If MyBackupArchiveInfo.ARMHealConnection Then
    ‘Healing connection mechanism is enabled
    End If


    MyBackupArchiveInfo.ARMHealConnection = False
    ‘Healing connection mechanism have disabled

    EFT v7 and later

  • Property ARMNotifyOnDisconnect As Boolean

  • Enables or disables email notification about ARM database disconnect (recipients defined in ARMFailureEmailList).

    HRESULT ARMNotifyOnDisconnect([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pVal);
    HRESULT ARMNotifyOnDisconnect([in] VARIANT_BOOL newVal);

    Example (VBScript):


    If MyBackupArchiveInfo.ARMNotifyOnDisconnect Then
    ‘Notify on ARM database disconnect is enabled
    End If


    MyBackupArchiveInfo.ARMNotifyOnDisconnect = False
    ‘Notify on ARM database disconnect have disabled

    EFT v7and later

  • Property ARMNotifyOnReconnect As Boolean

  • Enables or disables email notification about ARM database reconnect (recipients defined in ARMFailureEmailList).

    HRESULT ARMNotifyOnReconnect([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pVal);
    HRESULT ARMNotifyOnReconnect([in] VARIANT_BOOL newVal);

    Example (VBScript):


    If MyBackupArchiveInfo.ARMNotifyOnReconnect Then
    ‘Notify on ARM database Reconnect is enabled
    End If


    MyBackupArchiveInfo.ARMNotifyOnReconnect = False
    ‘Notify on ARM database reconnect have disabled

    EFT v7 and later

  • Property ARMPassword As String

  • Retrieves or specifies ARM database password.

    HRESULT ARMPassword([out, retval] BSTR *pVal);
    HRESULT ARMPassword([in] BSTR newVal);

    Example (VBScript):


    MsgBox "ARM database password is: " & oBackup.ARMPassword


    oBackup.ARMPassword = "swordfish"

    EFT v6.3 and later

  • Property ARMReconnectPeriod As Long

  • Retrieve or specify the reconnect period to ARM database. If a database error occurs and ARMHealConnection is enabled, then EFT tries to reconnect to the database every ARMReconnectPeriod seconds, from 7 seconds to 86,400 seconds (24 hours).

    HRESULT ARMReconnectPeriod([out, retval] LONG *pVal);
    HRESULT ARMReconnectPeriod([in] LONG newVal);

    Example (VBScript):


    MsgBox “Reconnect period: ” & CStr(MyBackupArchiveInfo.ARMReconnectPeriod)


    MyBackupArchiveInfo.ARMReconnectPeriod = 60 ‘every one minute

    EFT v7 and later

  • Property ARMServerName As String

  • Retrieves or specifies database host address.

    HRESULT ARMServerName([out, retval] BSTR *pVal);
    HRESULT ARMServerName([in] BSTR newVal);

    Example (VBScript):


    MsgBox "ARM database host address is: " & oBackup.ARMServerName


    oBackup.ARMServerName = ""

    EFT v6.3 and later

  • Property ARMStopAuditingOnError As Boolean

  • Retrieves or specifies server behavior in case of database error. If ARMStopAuditingOnError is true, then after database error, audit will stop. Otherwise, auditing will be continued in the folder specified by the ARMFailureAuditFolder property.

    HRESULT ARMStopAuditingOnError([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pVal);
    HRESULT ARMStopAuditingOnError([in] VARIANT_BOOL newVal);

    Example (VBScript):


    If oBackup.ARMStopAuditingOnError Then
    End If


    oBackup.ARMStopAuditingOnError = true

    EFT v6.3 and later

  • Property ARMUserName As String

  • Retrieves or specifies database user name.

    HRESULT ARMUserName([out, retval] BSTR *pVal);
    HRESULT ARMUserName([in] BSTR newVal);

    Example (VBScript):


    MsgBox "ARM database username is: " & oBackup.ARMUserName


    oBackup.ARMUserName = "User_1"

    EFT v6.3 and later

  • Property BackupArchivePath As String read-only

  • Retrieves path to the backup archive file.

    HRESULT BackupArchivePath([out, retval] BSTR* pVal);

    Example (VBScript):

    MsgBox "File backup archive path: " & oBackup.BackupArchivePath

    EFT v6.3 and later

  • Property CreatedBy As String read-only

  • Retrieves administrator account name that created the backup.

    HRESULT CreatedBy([out, retval] BSTR* pVal);

    Example (VBScript):

    MsgBox "Backup created by: " & oBackup.CreatedBy

    EFT v6.3 and later

  • Property CreationTime As Date read-only

  • Retrieves backup creation time.

    HRESULT CreationTime([out, retval] DATE* pVal);

    Example (VBScript):

    MsgBox "Backup created: " & oBackup.CreationTime

    EFT v6.3 and later

  • Property EnableARM As Boolean

  • Retrieves or specifies enable/disable ARM.

    HRESULT EnableARM([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pVal);
    HRESULT EnableARM([in] VARIANT_BOOL newVal);

    Example (VBScript):


    MsgBox "ARM is enabled: " & CStr(oBackup.EnableARM)


    oBackup.EnableARM = True

    EFT v6.3 and later

  • Function GetSiteBackupInfo(nIndex As Long) As Object

  • Retrieves ICISiteBackupInfo interface by index.

    HRESULT GetSiteBackupInfo([in] LONG nIndex, [out, retval] IDispatch** pVal);

    Example (VBScript):

    Set oSiteBackupInfo = oBackup.GetSiteBackupInfo(0)

    EFT v6.3 and later

  • Sub SetSiteBackupInfo(newVal As Object)

  • Specifies Site backup information.

    HRESULT SetSiteBackupInfo([in] IDispatch* newVal);

    Example (VBScript):

    oBackup.SetSiteBackupInfo oSiteBackupInfo

    EFT v6.3 and later

  • Property SitesCount As Long read-only

  • Retrieves number of Sites in the backup archive.

    HRESULT SitesCount([out, retval] LONG* pVal);

    Example (VBScript):

    MsgBox "Sites count: " & CStr(oBackup.SitesCount)

    EFT v6.3 and later

  • Property type As String read-only

  • Retrieves string representation of backup type.

    HRESULT Type([out, retval] BSTR* pVal);

    Example (VBScript):

    MsgBox "Backup type: " & oBackup.Type

    EFT v6.3 and later