
The Event Rule Folders interface is used to manage a list of all Event Rule folders for a Site. (Compare to ICIEventRuleFolder.)

  • Sub Add(lIndex As Long, strName As String)

  • HRESULT Add([in]long lIndex, [in] BSTR strName);

    EFT v7.2 and later

  • Function Count() As Long

  • HRESULT Count([out, retval] long* plCount);

    EFT v7.2 and later

  • Sub Delete(lIndex As Long, bForce As Boolean)

  • HRESULT Delete([in] long lIndex, [in] VARIANT_BOOL bForce);

    EFT v7.2 and later

  • Function Find(strName As String) As Object

  • HRESULT Find([in] BSTR strName, [out, retval] IDispatch **ppdisp);

    EFT v7.2 and later

  • Function Item(lIndex As Long) As Object

  • HRESULT Item([in] long lIndex, [out, retval] IDispatch **ppdispRule);

    EFT v7.2 and later