
The ICIFileActionChecksumParams interface specifies properties of the Event Rules File Operation Action.

  • Property ChecksumAlgorithm As ChecksumAlgorithm

  • Specify the checksum algorithm. Refer to ChecksumAlgorithm for options.

    HRESULT ChecksumAlgorithm([out, retval] ChecksumAlgorithm* pVal);
    HRESULT ChecksumAlgorithm([in] ChecksumAlgorithm newVal);

    EFT v8.0.5 and later

  • Property DestinationVariable As String

  • Specify the destination variable to hold the checksum.

    HRESULT DestinationVariable([out, retval] BSTR* pVal);
    HRESULT DestinationVariable([in] BSTR newVal);

    EFT v8.0.5 and later

  • Property SourcePath As String

  • Specify the source path to perform the checksum on.

    HRESULT SourcePath([out, retval] BSTR* pVal);
    HRESULT SourcePath([in] BSTR newVal);

    EFT v8.0.5 and later

  • Property TreatMissingSourceAsSuccess As Boolean

  • Used to specify the action should be treated as successful if the source file does not exist.

    HRESULT TreatMissingSourceAsSuccess([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pVal);
    HRESULT TreatMissingSourceAsSuccess([in] VARIANT_BOOL newVal);

    EFT v8.0.5 and later