
The ICIFileActionWriteParams interface specifies properties of the Event Rules File Operation Action.

  • Property Content As String

  • Used to specify the source data or content to write to the destination.

    HRESULT Content([out, retval] BSTR* pVal);
    HRESULT Content([in] BSTR newVal);

    EFT v8.0.5 and later

  • Property DestinationEncoding As FileEncodingType

  • Used to specify the destination encoding. Refer to FileEncodingType for options.

    HRESULT DestinationEncoding([out, retval] FileEncodingType* pVal);
    HRESULT DestinationEncoding([in] FileEncodingType newVal);

    EFT v8.0.5 and later

  • Property DestinationPath As String

  • Used to specify the destination path to write to.

    HRESULT DestinationPath([out, retval] BSTR* pVal);
    HRESULT DestinationPath([in] BSTR newVal);

    EFT v8.0.5 and later

  • Property MatchingFileOption As

  • Used to specify what to do with files that have a matching name in the destination. Refer to MatchingFileOption  for options.

    HRESULT MatchingFileOption([out, retval] MatchingFileOption* pVal);
    HRESULT MatchingFileOption([in] MatchingFileOption newVal);

    EFT v8.0.5 and later