The ICIFileActionWriteParams interface specifies properties of the Event Rules File Operation Action.
Property Content As String
Used to specify the source data or content to write to the destination.
HRESULT Content([out, retval] BSTR* pVal); HRESULT Content([in] BSTR newVal);
EFT v8.0.5 and later
Property DestinationEncoding As FileEncodingType
Used to specify the destination encoding. Refer to FileEncodingType for options.
HRESULT DestinationEncoding([out, retval] FileEncodingType* pVal); HRESULT DestinationEncoding([in] FileEncodingType newVal);
EFT v8.0.5 and later
Property DestinationPath As String
Used to specify the destination path to write to.
HRESULT DestinationPath([out, retval] BSTR* pVal); HRESULT DestinationPath([in] BSTR newVal);
EFT v8.0.5 and later
Property MatchingFileOption As
Used to specify what to do with files that have a matching name in the destination. Refer to MatchingFileOption for options.
HRESULT MatchingFileOption([out, retval] MatchingFileOption* pVal); HRESULT MatchingFileOption([in] MatchingFileOption newVal);
EFT v8.0.5 and later