ICIGDPRSettings Interface
The ICIGDPR Settings interface is used to define GDPR Settings for a Site.
Property AgeRestrictions As AgeRestrictionsType
Property ConditionsForConsent As ConditionsForConsentType
Property DirectCollection As DirectCollectionType
Property DPOAssigned As DPOAssignedType
Property DPOAssignedEmail As String
Property EncryptedPD As EncryptedPDType
Retrieve/modify GDPR age of restrictions mode (AgeRestrictionType)
EFT v8 and later
Retrieve/modify GDPR conditions for consent mode (ConditionsForConsentMode)
EFT v8 and later
Retrieve/modify GDPR direct collection (DirectCollectionType)
EFT v8 and later
Retrieve/modify GDPR data protection officer assigned mode (DPOAssignedType)
EFT v8 and later
Retrieve/modify GDPR data protection officer email (email)
EFT v8 and later
Retrieve/modify GDPR encrypted PD mode (EncryptedPDType)
EFT v8 and later
HRESULT EncryptionPDKey([out, retval] BSTR* pVal); HRESULT EncryptionPDKey([in] BSTR newVal);
EFT v8.0.5 and later
Property IndirectCollection As IndirectCollectionType
Retrieve/modify GDPR indirect collection mode (IndirectCollectionType)
EFT v8 and later
Property LawfulnessOfProcessing As LawfulnessOfProcessingType
Retrieve/modify GDPR lawfulness or processing mode (LawfulnessOfProcessType)
EFT v8 and later
Property LimitedAccess As LimitedAccessType
Retrieve/modify GDPR limited access mode (LimitedAccessType)
EFT v8 and later
Property MaterialScope As MaterialScopeType
Retrieve/modify GDPR material scope (MaterialScopeType)
EFT v8 and later
Property Necessity As NecessityType
Retrieve/modify GDPR necessity mode (NecessityType)
EFT v8 and later
Property NecessityReason As String
Retrieve/modify GDPR necessity reason (text)
EFT v8 and later
Property ProcessingPrinciples As ProcessingPrinciplesType
Retrieve/modify GDPR processing principles mode (ProcessingPrinciplesType)
EFT v8 and later
Property Purpose As PurposeType
Retrieve/modify GDPR purpose mode (PurposeMode)
EFT v8 and later
Property PurposeReason As String
Retrieve/modify GDPR purpose reason (text)
EFT v8 and later
Property RightOfAccess As RightStateType
Retrieve/modify GDPR right to access mode (RightStateType)
EFT v8 and later
Property RightToBeForgotten As RightStateType
Retrieve/modify GDPR right to be forgotten mode (RightStateType)
EFT v8 and later
Property RightToBeNotified As RightToBeNotifiedStateType
Retrieve/modify GDPR right to be notified mode (RightToBeNotifiedStateType)
EFT v8 and later
Property RightToExport As RightStateType
Retrieve/modify GDPR right to export mode (RightStateType)
EFT v8 and later
Property RightToObject As RightStateType
Retrieve/modify GDPR right to object mode (RightStateType)
EFT v8 and later
Property RightToRectify As RightStateType
Retrieve/modify GDPR right to rectify mode (RightStateType)
EFT v8 and later
Property RightToRestrict As RightStateType
Retrieve/modify GDPR right to restrict mode (RightStateType)
EFT v8 and later
Property RiskAssessment As RiskAssessmentType
Retrieve/modify GDPR risk assessment mode (RiskAssessmentType)
EFT v8 and later
Property RiskMitigation As RiskMitigationType
Retrieve/modify GDPR risk mitigation mode (RiskMitigationType)
EFT v8 and later
Property RiskMitigationReason As String
Retrieve/modify GDPR risk mitigation reason (text)
EFT v8 and later
Property TerritorialScope As TerritorialScopeType
Retrieve/modify GDPR territorial scope (TerritorialScopeType)
EFT v8 and later
Property TransferSafeguards As TransferSafeguardsType
Retrieve/modify GDPR transfer safeguards mode (TransferSafeguardsType)
EFT v8 and later
Property TransparentInformation As TransparentInformationType
Retrieve/modify GDPR transparent information mode (TransparentInformationType)
EFT v8 and later
Dialog Equivalents
The ICIGDPRSettings interface properties correlate to the GDPR dialog box on the Site > Web tab.