ICIHighAvailabilityParams Interface
The ICIHighAvailabilityParams interface contains parameters defined for a high availability deployment.
Property CoherenceQueue As String
HRESULT CoherenceQueue([out, retval] BSTR *pVal); HRESULT CoherenceQueue([in] BSTR newVal);
Allows you to specify one or more nodes that will execute Event Rules. This list can be overridden in the Event Rules.
HRESULT DefaultNodeList([out, retval] VARIANT *pVal); HRESULT DefaultNodeList([in] VARIANT pVal);
Property Enabled As Boolean
HRESULT Enabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pVal); HRESULT Enabled([in] VARIANT_BOOL newVal);
Property EventQueue As String
HRESULT EventQueue([out, retval] BSTR *pVal); HRESULT EventQueue([in] BSTR newVal);
Property MulticastAddress As String
HRESULT MulticastAddress([out, retval] BSTR *pVal); HRESULT MulticastAddress([in] BSTR newVal);
Property MulticastPortAs Long
HRESULT MulticastPort([out, retval] long *pVal); HRESULT MulticastPort([in] long newVal);
Property SharedConfigurationPath As String
HRESULT SharedConfigurationPath([out, retval] BSTR* pVal); HRESULT SharedConfigurationPath([in] BSTR newVal);