ICIManualIPAccessRule Interface

The ICIManualIPAccessRule interface represents an IP address access rule that was added manually.

Example (VBScript):

rules = oServer.GetIPAccessRules()
For Each key In rules
If key.type = 0 ThenWScript.echo "AutoBan"
End if
If key.type = 1 Then
WScript.echo "Manual " + key.address
WScript.echo "Added " + key.added
WScript.echo "Allow " + key.allow
End if


  • Property Address As String (read-only)

  • Retrieves the IP address.

    HRESULT Address([out, retval] BSTR* pbzAddress);

    EFT v6.3.0 and later

  • Property Added As Date (read-only)

  • Retrieves the date when the IP access rule was added.

    HRESULT Added([out, retval] DATE* pdAdded);

    EFT v6.3.0 and later

  • Property Allow As Boolean (read-only)

  • Retrieves whether the IP access rule is a permission or ban.

    HRESULT Allow([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pbAllow);

    EFT v6.3.0 and later

  • Property Reason As String (read-only)

  • Retrieves the reason for the IP access rule.

    HRESULT Reason([out, 
    	 retval] BSTR* pbzReason);

    EFT v8 and later

  • Property type As IPAccessRuleType (read-only)

  • Retrieves the type of the rule.

    HRESULT type([out, retval] IPAccessRuleType* pVal);

    EFT v6.3.0 and later

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