The ICIObjectACL interface is used with the ICIObjectAccessRights and ICIObjectACE interfaces.

  • Function Add(pAdminID As Object) As DWord

  • HRESULT Add([in] IDispatch* pAdminID, [out, retval] ULONG* pnIndex);

    EFT v7.2

  • Property Count As DWord read-only

  • HRESULT Count([out, retval] ULONG *pVal);

    EFT v7.2

  • Sub Delete(nIndex As DWord)

  • HRESULT Delete([in] ULONG nIndex);

    EFT v7.2

  • Function Find(pAdminID As Object) As CIObjectACE

  • HRESULT Find([in] IDispatch* pAdminID, [out, retval] ICIObjectACE **ppdisp);

    EFT v7.2

  • Function GetEffectiveAccessRights(pAdminID As Object) As CIObjectAccessRights

  • HRESULT GetEffectiveAccessRights([in] IDispatch* pAdminID, [out, retval] ICIObjectAccessRights** ppVal);

    EFT v7.2

  • Function Item(nIndex As DWord) As CIObjectACE  

  • HRESULT Item([in] ULONG nIndex, [out, retval] ICIObjectACE** ppVal);

    EFT v7.2