ICIPGPKeyInfo Interface
Use the ICIPGPKeyInfo interface to retrieve information about EFT’s PGP keys. You cannot create or configure PGP keys with this interface.
interface ICIPGPKeyInfo : IDispatch
(To make changes to the OpenPGP Event Action settings, refer to ICIPgpActionParams - OpenPGP Action Interface. See also the ICIServer::AvailablePGPKeys property).
HRESULT CreationDate([out, retval] DATE* pVal);
EFT v6.1 and later
(read-only) Retrieves the description of the key.
HRESULT Description([out, retval] BSTR* pVal);
EFT v6.1 and later
(read-only) Retrieves the expiration date of the key.
HRESULT ExpirationDate([out, retval] DATE* pVal);
EFT v6.1 and later
Property ID As String
(read-only) Retrieves the ID of the key.
HRESULT ID([out, retval] BSTR* pVal);
EFT v6.1 and later
(read-only) Retrieves the name of the key.
HRESULT Name([out, retval] BSTR* pVal);
EFT v6.1 and later
(read-only) Retrieves whether the key never expires.
HRESULT NeverExpires([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pVal);
EFT v6.1 and later
(read-only) Retrieves whether the key is a private key.
HRESULT Private([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pVal);
EFT v6.1 and later
(read-only) Retrieves the size of the key.
HRESULT Size([out, retval] long* pVal);
EFT v6.1 and later
(read-only) Retrieves the intended use for the key:
0x01 This key may be used to certify other keys.
0x02 This key may be used to sign data.
0x0C This key may be used to encrypt communications and encrypt storage.
0x10 The private component of this key may have been split by a secret-sharing mechanism.
0x20 This key may be used for authentication.
0x80 The private component of this key may be in the possession of more than one person.
HRESULT UsageFlags([out, retval] long* pVal);
If key.UsageFlags = &HC Then ... End If
EFT v8.0.6 and later
Dialog Box Equivalents
The dialog box below is labeled with the parameters that are available in the interface.