ICIPGPKeyInfo Interface

Use the ICIPGPKeyInfo interface to retrieve information about EFT’s PGP keys. You cannot create or configure PGP keys with this interface.

interface ICIPGPKeyInfo : IDispatch

(To make changes to the OpenPGP Event Action settings, refer to ICIPgpActionParams - OpenPGP Action Interface. See also the ICIServer::AvailablePGPKeys property).


  • (read-only) Property CreationDate As Date

  • Retrieves the date the key was created.

    HRESULT CreationDate([out, retval] DATE* pVal);

    EFT v6.1 and later

  • Property Description As String

  • (read-only) Retrieves the description of the key.

    HRESULT Description([out, retval] BSTR* pVal);

    EFT v6.1 and later

  • Property ExpirationDate As Date

  • (read-only) Retrieves the expiration date of the key.

    HRESULT ExpirationDate([out, retval] DATE* pVal);

    EFT v6.1 and later

  • Property ID As String

  • (read-only) Retrieves the ID of the key.

    HRESULT ID([out, retval] BSTR* pVal);

    EFT v6.1 and later

  • Property Name As String

  • (read-only) Retrieves the name of the key.

    HRESULT Name([out, retval] BSTR* pVal);

    EFT v6.1 and later

  • Property NeverExpires As Boolean

  • (read-only) Retrieves whether the key never expires.

    HRESULT NeverExpires([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pVal);

    EFT v6.1 and later

  • Property Private As Boolean

  • (read-only) Retrieves whether the key is a private key.

    HRESULT Private([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pVal);

    EFT v6.1 and later

  • Property Size As Long

  • (read-only) Retrieves the size of the key.

    HRESULT Size([out, retval] long* pVal);

    EFT v6.1 and later

  • Property UsageFlags As Long

  • (read-only) Retrieves the intended use for the key:

    • 0x01 This key may be used to certify other keys.

    • 0x02 This key may be used to sign data.

    • 0x0C This key may be used to encrypt communications and encrypt storage.

    • 0x10 The private component of this key may have been split by a secret-sharing mechanism.

    • 0x20 This key may be used for authentication.

    • 0x80 The private component of this key may be in the possession of more than one person.

    HRESULT UsageFlags([out, retval] long* pVal);


    If key.UsageFlags = &HC Then 
    End If

    EFT v8.0.6 and later

Dialog Box Equivalents

The dialog box below is labeled with the parameters that are available in the interface.

OpenPGP Keyring dialog box labeled