ICIResetPasswordSettings Interface

Use the ICIResetPasswordSettings interface to configure password reset details. (Use ICISite::GetResetPasswordSettings and ICISite::SetResetPasswordSettings to retrieve and set the password settings for a Site.)

interface ICIResetPasswordSettings : IDispatch {

See also see ICISite::GetResetPasswordSettings, ICISite::SetResetPasswordSettings; ICIClientSettings::GetResetPasswordSettings, ICIClientSettings::SetResetPasswordSettings.


  • Property DaysPriorPasswordExpirationToRemindUser As Long

  • For an example using this property, refer to the GetCertInfo script in Script Examples.

    Retrieves or specifies the number of days prior to expiration to notify the user. If "0" is specified, no notification is sent. (Equivalent to the check box in the dialog box not being selected.)

    HRESULT DaysPriorPasswordExpirationToRemindUser([out,retval] LONG* pVal);
    HRESULT DaysPriorPasswordExpirationToRemindUser([in] LONG newVal);

    Example (VBScript):


    MsgBox "Remind before expiration: " & CStr(oRPS.DaysPriorPasswordExpirationToRemindUser)


    oRPS.DaysPriorPasswordExpirationToRemindUser = 3

    EFT v6.3 and later

  • Property MaxPasswordAgeDays As Long

  • For an example using this property, refer to the GetCertInfo script in Script Examples.

    Retrieves or specifies the number of days at which to expire the password. If "0" is specified, the password does not expire. (Equivalent to the check box in the dialog box not being selected.)

    HRESULT MaxPasswordAgeDays([out,retval] LONG* pVal);
    HRESULT MaxPasswordAgeDays([in] LONG newVal);

    Example (VBScript):


    MsgBox "Max password age is: " & CStr(oRPS.MaxPasswordAgeDays)


    oRPS.MaxPasswordAgeDays = 100

    EFT v6.3 and later

  • Property SendEMailBeforeExpiration As Boolean

  • For an example using this property, refer to the GetCertInfo script in Script Examples.

    Retrieves or specifies whether to send an email notification before the password expires.

    HRESULT SendEMailBeforeExpiration([out,retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pVal);
    HRESULT SendEMailBeforeExpiration([in] VARIANT_BOOL newVal);

    Example (VBScript):


    MsgBox "Send email before expiration: " & CStr(oRPS.SendEMailBeforeExpiration)


    oRPS.SendEMailBeforeExpiration = False

    EFT v6.3 and later

  • Property SendEMailUponExpiration As Boolean

  • For an example using this property, refer to the GetCertInfo script in Script Examples.

    Retrieves or specifies whether to send an email when the password expires.

    HRESULT SendEMailUponExpiration([out,retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pVal);
    HRESULT SendEMailUponExpiration([in] VARIANT_BOOL newVal);

    Example (VBScript):


    MsgBox "Send email on expiration: " & CStr(oRPS.SendEMailUponExpiration)


    oRPS.SendEMailUponExpiration = False

    EFT v6.3 and later

Dialog Box Equivalents

The ICIResetPasswordSettings interface properties correlate to the following fields and controls in the EFT administration interface: