ICIRoundRobinEventRuleSchedulingParams Interface

The ICIRoundRobinEventRuleSchedulingParams interface provides the methods and properties used for scheduling the "round robin" process for Event Rules in a high availability, active-active cluster.

  • Sub Add(newVal As String)

  • This function adds a new node entry to the run on list for the event rule.

    HRESULT Add([in] BSTR newVal);

    EFT v7.0 and later

  • Function Count() As Long

  • This function returns the number of nodes in the event rule’s run on list.

    HRESULT Count([out, retval] long* plCount);

    EFT v7.0 and later

  • Sub Delete(lIndex As Long)

  • This function removes the node entry at the specified list index.

    HRESULT Delete([in] long lIndex);

    EFT v7.0 and later

  • Function Item(lIndex As Long) As String

  • This function returns the node name at the specified list index.

    HRESULT Item([in] long lIndex, [out, retval] BSTR *pVal);

    EFT v7.0 and later