The ICIServerNodeInfo interface is used to specify and view node configuration.
Members (Listed alphabetically)
Property ActiveClientDownloadBytesPerSecond As Long
HRESULT ActiveClientDownloadBytesPerSecond ([out, retval] Long *pVal);
EFT 7.2.1 and later
Property ActiveClientDownloadCount As Long
HRESULT ActiveClientDownloadCount ([out, retval] Long *pVal);
EFT 7.2.1 and later
Property ActiveClientUploadBytesPerSecond As Long
HRESULT ActiveClientUploadBytesPerSecond ([out, retval] Long *pVal);
EFT 7.2.1 and later
Property ActiveClientUploadCount As Long
HRESULT ActiveClientUploadCount ([out, retval] Long *pVal);
EFT 7.2.1 and later
Property ActiveServerDownloadBytesPerSecond As Long
HRESULT ActiveServerDownloadBytesPerSecond ([out, retval] Long *pVal);
EFT 7.2.1 and later
Property ActiveServerDownloadCount As Long
HRESULT ActiveServerDownloadCount ([out, retval] Long *pVal);
EFT 7.2.1 and later
Property ActiveServerUploadBytesPerSecond As Long
HRESULT ActiveServerUploadBytesPerSecond ([out, retval] Long *pVal);
EFT 7.2.1 and later
Property ActiveServerUploadCount As Long
HRESULT ActiveServerUploadCount ([out, retval] Long *pVal);
EFT 7.2.1 and later
HRESULT ActiveWTCSessions([out, retval] LONG* plVal);
EFT 7.3
Property AdminLastModified As String
HRESULT AdminLastModified ([out, retval] BSTR *pVal);
EFT 7.2.1 and later
Property ConnectedAdminCount As Long
HRESULT ConnectedAdminCount ([out, retval] LONG *pVal);
Property IsEventRuleBalancingMaster As Boolean
HRESULT IsEventRuleBalancingMaster ([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pVal);
EFT 7.2.1 and later
Property IsInCluster As Boolean
HRESULT IsInCluster ([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pVal);
EFT 7.2.1 and later
Property IsStarted As Boolean
HRESULT IsStarted ([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pVal);
EFT 7.2.1 and later
Property LastAdminLoginTime As DATE
HRESULT LastAdminLoginTime ([out, retval] DATE *pVal);
EFT 7.2.1 and later
Property LastModificationTime As DATE
HRESULT LastModificationTime ([out, retval] DATE *pVal);
EFT 7.2.1 and later
Property ListenIPs As Variant
HRESULT ListenIPs([out, retval] VARIANT* pvarVal);
EFT 7.3 and later
Function ModuleLicenseCount(module As ServerModule) As Long
HRESULT ModuleLicenseCount([in] ServerModule module, [out, retval] LONG *pVal);
EFT 7.2.1 - 7.3.1 (See TotalModuleLicenseCount)
Function ModuleRegistrationState(module As ServerModule) As RegistrationState
HRESULT ModuleRegistrationState([in] ServerModule module, [out, retval] RegistrationState *pVal);
EFT 7.2.1 and later
Property Name As String
HRESULT Name ([out, retval] BSTR *pVal);
EFT 7.2.1 and later
Property RunningAWTaskCount As Long
HRESULT RunningAWTaskCount ([out, retval] Long *pVal);
EFT 7.2.1 and later
Property RunningEventRuleCount As Long
HRESULT RunningEventRuleCount ([out, retval] Long *pVal);
EFT 7.2.1 and later
Property SiteCount As Long
HRESULT SiteCount ([out, retval] Long *pVal);
EFT 7.2.1 and later
Function SiteInfo(index As Long) As Object
This function returns an object of type ICIServerNodeSiteInfo for the site of the given index.
HRESULT SiteInfo([in] LONG index, [out, retval] IDispatch** pVal);
EFT 7.2.1 and later
Property StartTime As DATE
HRESULT StartTime ([out, retval] DATE *pVal);
EFT 7.2.1 and later
Function TotalModuleLicenseCount(module As ServerModule) As Long
HRESULT TotalModuleLicenseCount([in] ServerModule module, [out, retval] LONG *pVal);
EFT 7.3.2 and later
Property UsedModuleLicenseCount(m As ServerModule) As Long
HRESULT UsedModuleLicenseCount([in] ServerModule m, [out, retval] LONG* plValue);
EFT 7.3 and later
Property Version As String
HRESULT Version ([out, retval] BSTR *pVal);
EFT 7.2.1 and later