ICIServerVersion Interface

Use the ICIServerVersion interface to get the version of EFT you are using.

  • Property GetServerVersion(Host As String, nPort As Long) As DWord (read-only)

  • HRESULT GetServerVersion([in] BSTR Host, [in] long nPort, [out, retval] DWORD *serverVersion);

    EFT v7.4 and later


This script:

Set SFTPServer1 = WScript.CreateObject("SFTPCOMInterface.CIServerVersion")
   txtServer = "localhost"
   txtPort =  "1100"
WScript.Echo SFTPServer1.GetServerVersion(txtServer,txtPort)

Outputs the following:

Here are the version numbers as documented in source code (Enterprise version begins with "0x8000", SMB with "0x0000"):

#define EFT_SERVER_VER_7_1_1    0x00000098 

#define EFT_SERVER_VER_7_2_0    0x00000099 

#define EFT_SERVER_VER_7_2_1    0x0000009A 

#define EFT_SERVER_VER_7_3_2    0x0000009B 

#define EFT_SERVER_VER_7_4_0    0x0000009C

Running the output of the above COM script through the converter, we get the following: