Add Binding to the Insight IPv4 Address in IIS

When you install Insight, it installs as localhost/ For other applications and services to be able to find Insight, you need to "bind" its IPv4 address in Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

To bind Insight to an IPv4 address using IIS Manager

  1. Open the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager (Start > Run > inetmgr).

  2. In the Connections panel on the left, click the server name for which you want to generate the CSR.

  3. Click No if the message "Do you want to get started with Microsoft Web Platform to stay connected with latest Web Platform Components?" appears.

  4. In the Connections (left) pane, click Sites.

  5. In the center pane, click Insight.

  6. In the Actions (right) pane, click Bindings.

  7. In the Site Bindings dialog box, click the site's Host Name, then click Add.

  8. In the Add Site Binding dialog box, configure the settings:

    1. Type - Click https. (Clicking https will cause the SSL certificate list to appear.)

    2. IP address - Click All Unassigned, or the IP address of the site.

    3. Port - Type the port number you are using for Insight (443 by default--this should be different if you are using 443 for EFT or anything else).

    4. Host name - Type the host name for Insight (e.g.,

    5. SSL certificate - Specify the certificate that you are using for Insight.

    6. Click OK.

  9. Click Close to close the Add Site Binding dialog box.

  10. In the Actions panel on the right, click Restart to complete the installation process.