Picking Up Files

When a Mail Express user sends an email with an attachment, the attachment (if managed by Mail Express) is sent to the Mail Express Server, and the recipient receives an email that contains the body of the original sent email, plus one or more hyperlinks from which the recipient can download the attachment. The attachment(s) are not processed by the SMTP server nor sent to the recipient's email client. The links to the attachments are embedded in the email. The attachment is downloaded in the default web browser.

Files are set to expire within 1 year, or the time set by the administrator (or not at all). Save a copy of the attachment if you will need to refer to it after the link expiration date. If you attempt to download files after they have expired, an "expired" message appears on the Pick-Up portal.

To pick up a file

  1. Click the link in the email to open or save the attachment(s). The Pick-Up portal appears.

  2. On the Pick-Up portal, the behavior depends on the browser you are using and your settings:

    The reasoning of this process is to eliminate errors from the user overwriting existing files, not downloading complete files, or not downloading a new, different file that appears to be the same as an existing file.

    (Windows behavior is described above. Behavior is slightly different on a Mac or Linux OS, but follows typical file save/download practices.)