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Table Name: medatabase.ActorLog
Description: Auditing table for changes to corresponding with table Actor.
Primary Keys: identifier
Field Type Defaults Nulls? Comments
identifier numeric (19) None No Unique ID for an entry.
logNumber numeric (19) None No Audit log identifier.
logOperation tinyint None Yes The type of operation audited. The types include:
0 - Addition
1 - Modification
2 - Deletion.
accountInviteCapable tinyint None Yes If the user can send account invitations. This applies only to internal users.
activeToken nvarchar (276) None Yes Token used to ensure the uniqueness of usernames across undeleted accounts.
crux nvarchar (24) None Yes Random seed data.
deleted tinyint None Yes If the user account has been deleted.
displayName nvarchar (256) None Yes The user's display name.
dropoffCapable tinyint None Yes If the user can use the Drop-off Portal. This applies only to internal users.
emailAddress nvarchar (256) None Yes The user's email address.
enabled tinyint None Yes If the user account is enabled.
forcePasswordChange tinyint None Yes If the user must change their password at next login.
kind nvarchar (255) None Yes The type of user account. One of Administrator, InternalAutomatic, InternalManaged, External.
locale nvarchar (256) None Yes The user's selected locale.
lockoutAge datetime None Yes The time of account lockout else null.
passwordAge datetime None Yes The date/time of current password creation.
passwordHash nvarchar (88) None Yes The hashed form of the user's password.
replyInviteCapable tinyint None Yes If the user can send Reply Invite links. This applies only to internal users.
termsOfServiceAgreement tinyint None Yes Whether user has agreed to a Terms of Service agreement.
uploadCapable tinyint None Yes If the user can send files.
username nvarchar (256) None Yes The user's username.
expirable tinyint None Yes Whether actor can expire or not. This applies to internal and external users.

Index Clustered? Unique? Fields
PK__ActorLog__B55535B732D8066C Yes Yes

No check constraints
Internal Foreign Key Constraint Affected Field Source Table
FKA178A52F95EB91ED logNumber Auditor

No primary keys as foreign key constraints
No triggers