Basic Index   Expanded Index

Table Name: medatabase.DMZGatewayConfigLog
Description: Auditing table for changes to corresponding with table DMZGatewayConfig.
Primary Keys: identifier
Field Type Defaults Nulls? Comments
identifier numeric (19) None No Unique ID for an entry.
logNumber numeric (19) None No Audit log identifier.
DMZGatewayClientPort int None Yes The DMZ Gateway client port.
DMZGatewayHost nvarchar (256) None Yes The DMZ Gateway server host.
DMZGatewayServerPort int None Yes The DMZ Gateway server port.
activationEnabled tinyint None Yes Whether or not DMZ Gateway access is enabled for the Account Activation portal.
adminEnabled tinyint None Yes Whether or not DMZ Gateway access is enabled for the Admin portal.
dropoffEnabled tinyint None Yes Whether or not DMZ Gateway access is enabled for the Dropoff portal.
internalEnabled tinyint None Yes Whether or not DMZ Gateway access is enabled for the Internal portal.
ldapAuthEnabled tinyint None Yes Whether or not LDAP Authorization is enabled when portals are accessed via DMZGW.
oaiEnabled tinyint None Yes Whether or not DMZ Gateway access is enabled for the OAI/ClientService portal.
pickupEnabled tinyint None Yes Whether or not DMZ Gateway access is enabled for the Pickup portal.
replyEnabled tinyint None Yes Whether or not DMZ Gateway access is enabled for the Reply portal.
serviceEnabled tinyint None Yes Whether or not the DMZ Gateway functionality is enabled.

Index Clustered? Unique? Fields
PK__DMZGatew__B55535B7552D1E70 Yes Yes

No check constraints
Internal Foreign Key Constraint Affected Field Source Table
FKE714B9CFD247948F identifier AbstractSingletonLog
FKE714B9CFD247948F logNumber AbstractSingletonLog

No primary keys as foreign key constraints
No triggers