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Table Name: medatabase.DropoffConfig
Description: The configuration for the drop-off portal.
Primary Keys: identifier
Field Type Defaults Nulls? Comments
limitExtensions tinyint None No Whether or not to limit the allowed file extensions for attachments.
limitMaxSize tinyint None No Whether or not to place a limit on the attachments.
linkExpirationTimeNumber int None Yes The numerical component of the period at which package pickup will expire.
linkExpirationTimeUnit nvarchar (255) None Yes The time unit component of the period at which package pickup will expire. Values values: MINUTES, HOURS, DAYS, WEEKS, MONTHS, YEARS.
linkExpirationEnabled tinyint None No Whether or not package pickup link expiration is enabled.
maxAttachmentCount int None No The maximum number of attachments for the Mail Express Internal portal.
maxAttachmentCountEnabled tinyint None No Whether or not the maximum attachment count is enabled for the Mail Express Internal Portal.
maxSize numeric (38) None No The maximum size of an attachment.
serviceEnabled tinyint None No Whether or not this portal is enabled.
enableCaptcha tinyint None No Whether or not the captcha is enabled.
restrictRecipientDomains tinyint None No Whether or not the recipients are restricted to a set of domains.
internalUsersAreVerified tinyint None No If true, automatically created internal users (e.g. LDAP-backed users) default to having drop-off portal access.
limitNumberOfRecipients tinyint None No Whether or not to place a limit on the number of recipients.
maxNumberOfRecipients int None No The maximum number of recipients.
requireVerifiedUser tinyint None No Whether or not users must log in to use the portal.
identifier numeric (19) None No Unique ID for an entry.

Index Clustered? Unique? Fields
PK__DropoffC__D112ED4978765AAD Yes Yes

No check constraints
Internal Foreign Key Constraint Affected Field Source Table
FK70F86B6232C87F94 identifier AbstractSingleton

Primary Key as Foreign Key Constraint Affected Table Affected Field
FK710E0A2EB60D31A DropoffConfig_rcptDmnsAllwd DropoffConfig_identifier
FKED48278AB60D31A DropoffConfig_extnsnsExcldd DropoffConfig_identifier

No triggers