Basic Index   Expanded Index

Table Name: medatabase.License
Description: Each row represents a current license used. i.e. The MailExpress license or the DMZ Gateway license.
Primary Keys: identifier
Field Type Defaults Nulls? Comments
identifier numeric - Identity None No Unique ID for an entry.
createdDate datetime None No The original creation data/time for the entry.
modifiedDate datetime None No The last modified date/time for the entry.
version numeric (19) None No The version number for the entry.
additionalAttribute nvarchar (4000) None Yes Licensing and registration field.
crux nvarchar (24) None No Random seed data.
licenseFormat nvarchar (4000) None No Licensing and registration field.
systemGUID nvarchar (4000) None Yes System GUID.
licenseModuleType nvarchar (255) None Yes Licensing and registration field.
licenseState nvarchar (255) None Yes Licensing and registration field.
licenseType nvarchar (255) None Yes Licensing and registration field.
productCode nvarchar (255) None Yes Licensing and registration field.
registrationKey nvarchar (256) None Yes Licensing and registration field.
serialNumber nvarchar (4000) None Yes Licensing and registration field.
systemSerial nvarchar (4000) None Yes Licensing and registration field.
trialExpirationKey nvarchar (4000) None Yes Licensing and registration field.

Index Clustered? Unique? Fields
PK__License__D112ED4958C8A52A Yes Yes

No check constraints
No internal foreign key constraints
No primary keys as foreign key constraints
No triggers