Basic Index   Expanded Index

Table Name: medatabase.Package
Description: The root container for one or more deliverable files (Documents).
Primary Keys: identifier
Field Type Defaults Nulls? Comments
identifier numeric - Identity None No Unique ID for an entry.
createdDate datetime None No The original creation data/time for the entry.
modifiedDate datetime None No The last modified date/time for the entry.
version numeric (19) None No The version number for the entry.
alias nvarchar (40) None No An alias for the item suitable for use when referenced externally.
purged datetime None Yes The date/time at which the item was purged.
accountInvite tinyint None No Whether or not this package includes account invitations.
chunkSize numeric (19) None No The number of bytes sent at a time.
documentCount int None No The number of Documents for the package.
expiration datetime None Yes The expiration date/time for the package, if applicable.
expiryNumber int None Yes The numerical component of the period at which package pickup will expire.
expiryTimeUnit nvarchar (255) None Yes The time unit component of the period at which package pickup will expire. Values values: MINUTES, HOURS, DAYS, WEEKS, MONTHS, YEARS.
replyInvite tinyint None No Whether or not this package includes reply invitations.
upload nvarchar (255) None No The upload state of the package. One of Initializing, InProgress, Complete, Aborted, Abandoned.
actor_identifier numeric (19) None Yes The originating user account.
client_identifier numeric (19) None Yes The originating client.
manifest_identifier numeric (19) None Yes The Manifest for the package.
secureMessage tinyint None No Whether or not this package includes an encrypted message.

Index Clustered? Unique? Fields
PK__Package__D112ED497C11E167 Yes Yes
UQ__Package__8C585C047EEE4E12 No Yes

No check constraints
Internal Foreign Key Constraint Affected Field Source Table
FK_Package_actor actor_identifier Actor
FK_Package_client client_identifier Client
FK_Package_manifest manifest_identifier Manifest

Primary Key as Foreign Key Constraint Affected Table Affected Field
FK_EftMessage_package EftMessage package_identifier
FK_Package_Document_a Package_Document Package_identifier
FK_ReplyBid_Package_b ReplyBid_Package uploads_identifier

No triggers