Basic Index   Expanded Index

Table Name: medatabase.PickupConfig
Description: The configuration for the pick-up portal.
Primary Keys: identifier
Field Type Defaults Nulls? Comments
requireEmailVerification tinyint None No Whether auto-generated external users must activate account through separate email to use pick-up portal.
requireVerifiedUser tinyint None No Whether users must log in to use pick-up portal.
serviceEnabled tinyint None No Whether or not the pick-up portal is enabled.
identifier numeric (19) None No Unique ID for an entry.

Index Clustered? Unique? Fields
PK__PickupCo__D112ED49068F6FDA Yes Yes

No check constraints
Internal Foreign Key Constraint Affected Field Source Table
FK19A00FE32C87F94 identifier AbstractSingleton

No primary keys as foreign key constraints
No triggers