Basic Index   Expanded Index

Table Name: medatabase.Recipient
Description: An entity which is intended target to recieve a package.
Primary Keys: identifier
Field Type Defaults Nulls? Comments
identifier numeric - Identity None No Unique ID for an entry.
createdDate datetime None No The original creation data/time for the entry.
modifiedDate datetime None No The last modified date/time for the entry.
version numeric (19) None No The version number for the entry.
address nvarchar (256) None No The RFC822 address of the recipient.
personal nvarchar (256) None Yes The RFC822 personal name of the recipient.

Index Clustered? Unique? Fields
PK__Recipien__D112ED490E3091A2 Yes Yes

No check constraints
No internal foreign key constraints
Primary Key as Foreign Key Constraint Affected Table Affected Field
FK_AccountBid_recipient AccountBid recipient_identifier
FK_Docket_recipient Docket recipient_identifier
FK_Manifest_Recipient_b Manifest_Recipient recipients_identifier
FK_Recipient_types Recipient_types Recipient_identifier
FK_ReplyBid_recipient ReplyBid recipient_identifier

No triggers