Basic Index   Expanded Index

Table Name: medatabase.ReplyConfig_rcpntDmnsAllwdLog
Description: The list of allowed recipient domains.
Primary Keys: logNumber
Field Type Defaults Nulls? Comments
logNumber numeric (19) None No Audit log identifier.
ReplyConfig_identifier numeric (19) None No ID to map back to the 'ReplyConfigLog' table.
element nvarchar (255) None No An entry in the collection.
logOperation tinyint None Yes The type of operation audited. The types include:
0 - Addition
1 - Modification
2 - Deletion.

Index Clustered? Unique? Fields
PK__ReplyCon__B69E1E212DA93CFB Yes Yes

No check constraints
Internal Foreign Key Constraint Affected Field Source Table
FK44557A9695EB91ED logNumber Auditor

No primary keys as foreign key constraints
No triggers