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Table Name: medatabase.SmtpConfig
Description: The configuration for the SMTP server.
Primary Keys: identifier
Field Type Defaults Nulls? Comments
CACertificateBytes varbinary (MAX) None Yes The binary form of the trusted CA certificate used for encrypted communication.
encSmtpPassword nvarchar (4000) None Yes The encrypted password to use when authenticating with the SMTP server.
fromAddress nvarchar (256) None No The from email address used for SMTP negotiations.
implicitTrust tinyint None No Whether or not the certificate presented by the server for encrypted communications is implicitly trust or must be validated.
mailboxPort int None No The mailbox server port.
mailboxType nvarchar (255) None No The type of mailbox account; either IMAP or POP3.
replyToAddress nvarchar (256) None No The reply-to email address.
smtpHost nvarchar (256) None No The SMTP server hostname.
smtpPort int None No The SMTP server port.
smtpUsername nvarchar (256) None Yes The username to use when authenticating with the SMTP server.
useAuthentication tinyint None No Whether or not to use authentication when communicating with the SMTP server.
useEncryption tinyint None No Whether or not to encrypt communications with the SMTP Server.
useMailbox tinyint None No Whether or not the account mailbox will be monitored for undeliverables.
identifier numeric (19) None No Unique ID for an entry.

Index Clustered? Unique? Fields
PK__SmtpConf__D112ED493826CB6E Yes Yes

No check constraints
Internal Foreign Key Constraint Affected Field Source Table
FK459A15832C87F94 identifier AbstractSingleton

No primary keys as foreign key constraints
No triggers