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Table Name: medatabase.WebServicesConfig
Description: The configuration for the web services.
Primary Keys: identifier
Field Type Defaults Nulls? Comments
basicAuthRealm nvarchar (256) None Yes The realm name to use when presenting the Basic Authentication option to client connections.
domainName nvarchar (256) None Yes The domain name.
encKdcPreauthUserPassword nvarchar (4000) None Yes The encrypted password for the KDC pre-auth account.
kdcHost nvarchar (256) None Yes The Kerberos Key Distribution Center host.
kdcPort int None Yes The Kerberos Key Distrubution Center host port number.
kdcPreauthUsername nvarchar (256) None Yes The username for the KDC pre-auth account.
kerberosEnabled tinyint None No Whether or not the Kerberos Single Sign On functionality is enabled.
kerberosRealm nvarchar (256) None Yes The Kerberos realm name.
identifier numeric (19) None No Unique ID for an entry.

Index Clustered? Unique? Fields
PK__WebServi__D112ED4947690EFE Yes Yes

No check constraints
Internal Foreign Key Constraint Affected Field Source Table
FKF1E3B59432C87F94 identifier AbstractSingleton

No primary keys as foreign key constraints
No triggers