AIX Advanced Reporting (Data Warehouse) Template

This AIX template includes the following File & Folder Monitor rule:

File & Folder Monitor

The File and Folder Monitor within the AIX Advanced Reporting (Data Warehouse) template contains a single rule.

  • Monitor /var/lib/halcyon/advreport.dat in case >128MB - File(/var/lib/halcyon) Include(advreport.dat) Trigger(Exists)

This rule is a Halcyon self-checking entry to ensure that data for the Advanced Reporting template is being collected regularly. If the advreport.dat file is bigger than 128MB, an alert is raised to warn you that data may not be being collected as expected.

AIX Reporting fields

This AIX reporting template contains the following reporting fields:

  • CPU: CPU Load
  • FilesystemL Filesystem Space Used %
  • Memory: Page File Used %
  • Memory: Physical Memory Used %
  • Process By Name: CPU Usage %

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