AIX Temenos T24 template
Temenos T24 is widely used core banking system which provides a technically advanced front-to-back platform for banks in over 120 countries.
T24 is a modular, functionally rich, fully integrated, real-time banking application, that has removed the need for end-of-day processing and enabled 24/7/365 online operation.
The AIX Temenos T24 Template contains rules covering the AIX Script, File & Folder and CPU, Filesystem and Memory Monitors.

Contains the following rules:
- Agent ARCIB jbase not running - Script(ps - ef | grep "start \-p 7701" ^$)
- Agent BROWSER jbase not running - Script(ps - ef | grep "jbase_agent start \-p 7500" ^$)
- Agent PEGA jbase not running - Script(ps - ef | grep "start \-p 7888" ^$)
- File count DW.EXTRACT <500 files in folder - Script(/var/lib/halcyon/ 500 Less.*)
- Phantom DEBIT CARD not running - Script(ps - ef | grep "jsh \-Jz\-c EX EB.PHANTOM.PH OFS.USER DEBIT CARDS" ^$)
- Phantom DELIVERY PRINT CARRIER not running - Script(ps - ef | grep "jsh\-Jz\-c DE.PHANTOM.CALL DE.O.CC.PRINT" ^$)
- Phantom EXSHARE not running - SCript(ps - ef | grep "jsh\-Jz\-c EX EB.PHANTOM.PH EXS.USER EXSHARE" ^$)
- Phantom JBLOADER not running - Script(ps - ef | grep "jsh\-Jz|-c EX EB.PHANTOM.PH OFS.USER JBLOADER" ^$)
- Phantom TIB daemon not running - Script(ps - ef | grep "java\-Xmx512M\-Djava.endorsed.dirs=../lib/endorsed/jaxp13:../lib/endorsed/jax13\-jar ..lib/tcserver.jar" ^S
- Printer queue is down - Script(lpstat | grep DOWN .+)

Contains the following rules:
- Files older than 12 hours in /Globus/bnk.local/FT.IN.TAPE/BNK.CBACS - File Or Folder(live/globus/bnk.local/FT.IN.TAPE) Include(BNK.CBACS*) Trigger(Exists)
- Files older than 5 minutes in /Swift/In - File(/Swift/IN) Include(*) Trigger(Exists)
- Files older than 5 minutes in /Swift/Out - File(/Swift/Out) Include(8) Trigger(Exists)
- Files older than 6 hours in /Globus/bnk.local/DW.EXTRACT - File Or Folder(/live/globus/bnk.local/DW.EXTRACT) Include(*) Trigger(Exists)
- Files older than 60 minutes in /LocalClearing) Include(*) Trigger(Exists)

Contains the following rules:
- Filesystem /jbase10000t > 80% Used - Group(Filesystem) Volume(/jbase10000) Type(Filesystem Space Used %) Trigger(>80%)
- Filesystem /jbase1019 > 80% Used - Group(Filesystem) Volume(/jbase10000) Type(Filesystem Space Used %) Trigger(>80%)
- Filesystem /live/globus/bnk.arc > 80% Used - Group(Filesystem) Volume(/live/globus/bnk.arc) Type(Filesystem Space Used %) Trigger(>80%)
- Filesystem /live/globus/bnk.backup >80% Used - Group(Filesystem) Volume(/live/globus/bnk.backup) Type(Filesystem Space Used %) Trigger(>80%)
- Filesystem /live/globus/ >80% Used - Group(Filesystem) Volume(/live/globus/ Type(Filesystem Space Used %) Trigger(>80%)
- Filesystem /live/globus/bnk.local >80% Used - Group(Filesystem) Volume(/live/globus/bnk.local) Type(Filesystem Space Used %) Trigger(>80%)
- Filesystem /live/globus/jspooler > 80% Used - Group(Filesystem) Volume(/live/globus/jspooler) Type(Filesystem Space Used %) Trigger(>80%)
- Filesystem /logs > 80% Used - Group(Filesystem) Volume(/logs) Type(Filesystem Space Used %) Trigger(>80%)
- Filesystem /Swift > 80% Used - Group(Filesystem) Volume(/Swift) Type(Filesystem Space Used %) Trigger(>80%)
- Filesystem /tmp > 80% Used - Group(Filesystem) Volume(/tmp) Type(Filesystem Space Used %) Trigger(>80%)
- Filesystem /tranlogs > 80% Used - Group(Filesystem) Volume(/live/tranlogs) type(Filesystem Space Used %) Trigger(>80%)
- Filesystem live/globus > 80% Used - Group(Filesystem) Volume(/live/globus) type(Filesystem Space Used %) trigger(>80%)