AIX VIOS template
The virtual I/O server (VIOS) is an appliance that provides virtual storage and shared ethernet adapter capability to client logical allow a physical adapter with attached disks on the virtual i/o sever partition to be shared by one or more partitions, enabling clients to consolidate and potentially minimize the number of physical adapters required.
The AIX VIOS template contains the following components:

Contains the following rules:
- Hardware Errors - Errpt(Class=H)
- Software Errors - Errpt(Class=S)

Contains the following rules:
Check for adapter errors - Script(for ERROR in $(lsdev -c adapter | grep -v -w -e Available -e description | awk '{print $1}'); do OCCURS=$(lsdev - l $ERROR); echo $OCCURS; done .+)
Check for maps that are not available (between external disk and client partitions) - Script(result=`/usr/ios/cli/ioscli lsmap -all|grep ^Status|grep -v "Available"|wc -l`;[[ $result -ne 0 ]] && echo $result .+)

Contains the following rules:
- File(/etc/aixmibd.conf) Has Changed - File(/etc/aixmibd.conf) Trigger(Exists)
- File(/etc/inetd.conf) Has Changed - File(/etc/inetd.conf) Trigger(exists)
- File(/etc/inittab) Has Changed - File(/etc/inittab) Trigger(Exists)
- File(/etc/security/login.cfg) Has Changed - File(/etc/security/login.cfg) Trigger(Exists)
- File(/var/spool/cron/crontabs/root) Has Changed - File(/var/spool/cron/crontabs/root) Trigger(Exists)

Contains the following rules:
- Monitor / filesystem used space - Group(Filesystem) Volume(/) Type(Filesystem Space Used %) Trigger(>=80%)
- Monitor /home filesystem used space - Group(Filesystem) Volume(/home) Type(Filesystem Space Used %) Trigger(>=80%)
- Monitor /opt filesystem used space - Group(Filesystem) Volume(/opt) Type(Filesystem Space Used %) Trigger(>=80%)
- Monitor /usr filesystem used space - Group(Filesystem) Volume(/usr) Type(Filesystem Space Used %) Trigger(>=80%)
- Monitor /var filesystem used space - Group(Filesystem) Volume(/var) Type(Filesystem Space Used %) Trigger(>=80%)
- Page File Used <30% (Suggests Too Much Paging Space) - Group(Memory) Type(Page File Used %) Trigger(< 30%)
- Page File Used > 70% (Suggests Not Enough Paging Space) - Group(Memory) Type(Page File Used %) Trigger(> 70%)
- Paging Space >70% - Group(Memory) Type(Page File Used %) Trigger(> 70%)
- Sustained CPU .80% - Group(CPU) CPU(0) Type(CPU Load) Trigger(>80%)