Windows HP Data Protector template
HP Data Protector software is automated backup and recovery software for single-server to enterprise environments, supporting disk storage or tape storage targets. It provides cross-platform, online backup of data for Microsoft Windows, Unix, and Linux operating systems.
The HP Data Protector template contains the following components:

Contains the following rules:
- 15 Minute Backup Check - Source(=’Data Protector’) Category(=’None’) ID(=’1’) User(=’N/A) Message(=’*SQL 15 Minute A*Backup Statistics*
- Backup Not Completed - Example - Source(=’Data Protector’) Category(=’None’) ID(=’1’) User(=’N/A’) Message(=’*MailServer Daily*Backup Statistics*
- Backup Not Started - Example - Source(=’Data Protector’) Category(=’None’) ID(=’1’) User(=’N/A/) Message(=’*MailServer Daily*Backup session * started.*
- Backup Started - Source(=’Data Protector’) Category(=’None’) ID(=’1’) User(=’N/A’) Message(=’*Backup session * started.*’)
- Critical BSM Errors - Source(=’Data Protector’) Category(=’None’) ID(=’1’) User(=’N/A’) Message(=’[Critical] From: BSM*’)
- Finished Backups - Source(=’Data Protector’) Category(=’None’) ID(=’1’) User(=’N/A’) Message(=’*Backup Statistics*Failed Disk Agents 0*Failed Media Agents 0*’)
- Preview Started - Source(=’Data Protector’) Category(=’None’) ID(=’1’) User(=’N/A’) Message(=’*Preview of the media in device repository*’)

Contains the following rule:
- Drive C - Low Disk Space - Group(Disk) Instance(C:)Type(Drive Space Available %) Trigger(<10%)

Contains the following rule:
- DCBF Directory Size - Patch(C:\Program Files\OmniBack\db40\) TriggerOn(First Matching Matching Folder) SubFolders(True) Thresholds(Size)

Contains the following rules:
- HP Data Protector CRS - Service(Data Protector CRS) Status(<>’Started’) Startup(=’Automatic’)
- HP Data Protector Inet - Service(Data Protector Inet) Status(<>’Started’) Startup(=’Automatic’)
- HP Data Proctector RDS - Service(Data Protector RDS) Status(<>’Started’) Startup(=’Automatic’)
- HP Data Protector UIProxy - Service(Data Protector UIProxy) Status(<> ‘Started’) Startup(=’Automatic’)
NOTE: All actions for each of the above rules within this template are set to a default of sending an alert to the Enterprise Console. You must manually change this setting if you require an alternative action to be taken upon the generation of an alert.