Windows Infor M3 Grid Monitoring template
Infor Grid is a distributed application server that provides a distributed run-time environment to other applications. The distributed nature of a grid means that an instance of the Infor Grid may span multiple server machines.
The M3 Grid Monitoring template includes the following rules:

Contains the following rules:
- M3_PRD (M3BE) CPU - URL(http://localhost:36666/applications/M3BE_14.1.2-PRD/status,html) Timeout(5 Secs) TriggerType(Each Matching) TriggerObject(Row)
- M3_PRD (M3BE) Heap Usage - URL(http://localhost:36666/application/M3BE_14.1.2-PRD/status.html) Timeout(5 Secs) TriggerType(Each Matching) TriggerObject(Row)
- M3_PRD(Nodes) CPU - URL(http://localhost:36666/grid/nodes.html) Timeout(5 Secs) TriggerType(Each Matching) TriggerObject(Row)
- M3_PRD(Nodes0 Heap Usage - URL(http://localhost:36666/grid/nodes.html) Timeout(5 Secs) TriggerType(Each Matching) TriggerObject(Row)
- M3_PRD (Status) ‘Errors’ - (Multiple Criteria Defined)
- M3_PRD (Status) ‘Not ok’ - URL(http://localhost:36666/grid/status.html) Timeout(5 Secs) TriggerType(Each Matching) TriggerObject(Row)
- M3_PRD (Status) ‘Not running’ - URL(http://localhost:36666/grid/status.html) Timeout(5 Secs) TriggerType(Each Matching) TriggerObject(Row)
- M3_PRD (Status) ‘Warnings’ - (Multiple Criteria Defined)
(*Only available if a Web Application Monitor license has been purchased separately).

Contains the following rules:
- Backup Exec Services Started - Service(Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows Systems) Status(<>’Running’)
- MecService - M3 Enterprise Collaborator - Service(MECServer) Status(<>’Running’)
- MapGenServer Service Started - Service(MapGenServer) Status(<>’Running’)
- OpenText StreamServe Repository Server Service Started - Service(StreamServe Repository Server) Status(<>’Running’)
- OpenText StreamServe Service Started - Production Environment - Service(StreamServe Prod) Status(<>’Running’)
- OpenText StreamServe Service Started - Standard Environment - Service(StreamServe zSTD) Status(<>’Running’)
- OpenText StreamServe Service Started - Test Envrionment - Service(StreamServe Test) Status(<>’Running’)
- Print Spooler Service Started - Service(Print Spooler) Status(<>’Running’)

Contains the following rules:
- Grid: Check JVM locked - URL(http://localhost:36666/monitor.xml?category=Jvms) Timeout(5 Secs) NotInclude(‘status=’”locked”)
- Grid: Checking for looping M3 Auto Job - URL( Timeout(5 Secs) NotInclude(‘Job may be looping’)
- Grid: High Severity for News page - URL( Timeout(5 Secs)
- Grid: M3 Excessive Interactive Job CPU - URL( Timeout(5 Secs)
- Grid: M3 Excessive Subsystem CPU - URL( Timeout(5 Secs)
- Grid: Supervisor Status = Critical - URL( Timeout(5 Secs) NotInclude(‘supervisorStatus=’”critical”’)
- Grid: Transaction Server Check - URL( Timeout(5 Secs)
- Grid: XML Autojobs count - URL( Timeout(5 Secs) Include (‘”Autojobs jobs currently running in the system” count=”52”’)
- Grid: XML Autojobs List - URL( Timeout(5 Secs)
- Grid: XML Job Queue Length > 25 - URL( Timeout(5 Secs) Include(OneOf ‘jobQueueLength=1 to 25)
NOTE: All actions for each of the above rules within this template are set to a default of sending an alert to the Enterprise Console. You must manually change this setting if you require an alternative action to be taken upon the generation of an alert.