Authority Broker Dashboard Asset Descriptions
Assets represent the type of Authority Broker data for which you can generate a visual representation within an Insite Dashboard, via a widget.
While defining Dashboard Widgets in Insite, once a Data Source has been selected, you can then select the asset that the widget will represent. Only the assets from the selected Data Sources are available. If the required asset is not displayed, it must first be created in the Data Source before it is available within Insite. See Assets in the Insite help for more details.
Authority Broker Assets

This asset allows you to display the number and identity of profile switches whose time has expired.
Available Metrics
- Group by From User: Group results by the originator of the switch pair.
- Count of Switches: Include the number of expired profile switches.
- Group by To User: Group results by the destination profile of the switch pair.
- Count of Switches: Include the number of expired profile switches.
- Group by Pair: Group results by a listing of both profiles in the switch pair.
- Count of Switches: Include the number of expired profile switches.

This asset allows you to display the number and identity of profile switches that have been ended.
Available Metrics
- Group by From User: Group results by the originator of the switch pair.
- Count of Switches: Include the number of ended profile switches.
- Group by To User: Group results by the destination profile of the switch pair.
- Count of Switches: Include the number of ended profile switches.
- Group by Pair: Group results by a listing of both profiles in the switch pair.
- Count of Switches: Include the number of ended profile switches.

This asset allows you to display the number and identity of profile switches that are currently active.
Available Metrics
- Group by From User: Group results by the originator of the switch pair.
- Count of Switches: Include the number of active profile switches.
- From User: Include the origin profile of the switch pair.
- Group by To User: Group results by the destination profile of the switch pair.
- Count of Switches: Include the number of active profile switches.
- To User: Include the destination profile of the switch pair.
- Group by Pair: Group results by a listing of both profiles in the switch pair.
- Count of Switches: Include the number of active profile switches.
- From User / To User: Include the profiles in the switch pair.
- Without any grouping applied: Do not group results by user or switch pair. (List Widget type only.)
- End Time: Include the time the switch ended.
- From User: Include the origin profile of the switch pair.
- Start Time: Include the time the switch started.
- Switch Type (Timed / Untimed): Include whether the switch was a timed or untimed switch.
- To User: Include the destination profile in the switch pair.

This asset allows you to display the number and identity of profile switches that have failed.
Available Metrics
- Group by From User: Group results by the originator of the switch pair.
- Count of Switches: Include the number of failed profile switches.
- Group by To User: Group results by the destination profile of the switch pair.
- Count of Switches: Include the number of failed profile switches.
- Group by Pair: Group results by a listing of both profiles in the switch pair.
- Count of Switches: Include the number of failed profile switches.

This asset allows you to display the average, maximum, and/or minimum duration of overall profile switches.
Available Metrics
- Avg: Include the average duration of profile switches.
- Max: Include the duration of the longest profile switch.
- Min: Include the duration of the shortest profile switch.

This asset allows you to select the average, maximum, and/or minimum duration of profile switches for users.
Available Metrics
- Avg: Include the average duration of profile switches.
- Max: Include the duration of the longest profile switch.
- Min: Include the duration of the shortest profile switch.