Swap to User Authority (LSWPPRF) screen

How to Get There

Prompt (F4) command LSWPPRF.

What it Does

Authority Broker provides a method of conferring special authority to a job — authority it normally would not have. Once the switch has been performed the job runs under the user's specified user profile. Any open files and objects allocated by the original profile are accessible to the new profile.

No other attributes associated with the user or group profile are replaced. The qualified job name does not change to reflect the new user profile. However, any object created by the job while running under the new profile is owned by the new profile or its group profile.

If you use this command to begin running under a specific profile, any spooled files created are owned by that profile. This is done by putting the file under a QPRTJOB job. Any spooled file command that references the spooled file with the job special value * will only access those files that were created before the profiles were swapped.


Swap to user (TOUSER)

Specify the name of the user profile to which you are switching. This is a required parameter. The supplied profile must be enabled and have an active password.

Possible values are:
Select the switch profile from a list of available profiles.
The specific switch profile to use.
Swap to reason (REASON)

The reason for switching profiles. This is a required parameter.

Call ticket (CALLTICKET)

Your reference number associated with the reason for switching profiles.

Timed switch command (RUNCMD)

The command to be run for any profile switch that is for a specific duration. Authority Broker executes this command for any profile switch with a limited duration.

Possible values are:
The system user/switch profile-specific command that has been defined. If one has not been defined, the default command configured by the Authority Broker administrator is executed for timed Switches.
The default command configured by the Authority Broker administrator is executed for timed switches.
The command to be executed after the profile switch occurs. The command must be enclosed within single quotes if the command contains case-sensitive values.
Capture screens (CAPTURE)

The Capture screens parameter allows you to force interactive screens to be captured during this swap, regardless of the setting on the switch definition. You cannot force screens to NOT be captured if the switch definition specifies capturing screens.

Specify one of the following values:
This is the default value which allows the switch definition to control the screen capture facility.
This value forces screens to be captures regardless of the setting on the switch definition.
"To" user password (PASSWORD)

The password for the "Switch To User".

Possible values are:
Use this value if the "Switch To User" profile is disabled or expired and the current user has *ALLOBJ and *SECADM special authorities.
Enter the password for the specified "Switch To User" profile.
Output Queue (OUTQ)

This parameter controls where printed output is directed to after a profile switch has occurred.

Single Values
Printed materials are directed to the default output queue of the "Switched To" profile.
The printed output will be directed to the current output queue of the signed on user.
Printed output is directed to the output queue specified by the "DEV" parameter as previously set by one of the following commands; Create Printer File (CRTPRTF), Change Printer File (CHGPRTF) or Override with Printer File (OVRPRTF).
The default output queue used with this job is the output queue assigned to the work station that is associated with the job at the time the job is started.
The output queue specified in the user profile under which this job was initially running is used.
Qualifier: Output Queue
Specify the name and library of the default output queue used by the job. If this is the value currently assigned the job *SAME is defaulted.
Qualifier: Library
All libraries in the job's library list are searched until the first match is found.
The current library for the job is used to locate the name of the spooled output queue. If no library is specified as the current library for the job, QGPL is used.
Specify the name of the library where the spooled output queue is located.

Command Keys

  • F3 (Exit): Exit the program without processing any pending changes.
  • F4 (Lookup): Pressing F4 provides lookup capabilities when the cursor is on a promptable field. Press F4 with the cursor on an Interested party field to display a list of user profiles that you can select from. Press F4 with the cursor on an alert method to display a list of alert methods you can select from.
  • F5 (Refresh): Refresh the screen.
  • F12 (Cancel): Exit the screen without processing any pending changes.