Assets are the business services, processes and applications that have been configured, for which you can generate a visual representation within Insite via a widget.
Once a Data Source has been selected, you can then select the asset that the widget will represent. Only the assets from the selected Data Source are available. If the required asset is not displayed, it must first be created in the Data Source before it is available within Insite.
Assets are initially displayed at their highest level of configuration. Click Expand to drill-down into the asset. The drill-down process is available for every asset level against which the
Expand icon is displayed.
Dashboard Asset Descriptions for Insite Products
- Automate Ops Console
- Automate Schedule
- Insite Analytics
- Insite Watch List (requests)
- Network Security
- Password Self Help
- Robot Console
- Robot Network
- Robot Schedule
- Vityl IT & Business Monitoring
Searching For Assets
If the Data Source for which you are creating the widget contains a large number of assets, it may be quicker to use the Search facility to find a starting point, rather than expanding multiple asset entries to locate the one that you require.
In the Search assets field at the top of the Assets section, type the name of the asset you want to locate and press Enter. The text is not case-sensitive. Any Assets that match the entered text are now displayed and can be selected or expanded as required.