Importing IBM i Product Connections

You can create IBM i product connections by importing the details, including the credentials, from a CSV file.

Follow these steps to import IBM i product connections:

  1. In the Navigation Panel, click Settings.

  2. Click Products.

  3. Click Upload IBMiConnections in the upper right corner.

  4. Click Upload IBMi Connections in the upper right corner.

  5. Click Choose file.... Select the .csv file to import.

    Upload IBM i Credentials dialog box.


    The .csv file must have the following information in it:
    address, alias, user name (for general connection), password (for general connection), user name (for INSITELIB updates), password (for INSITELIB updates).


    You do not need header information in the .csv file. Use one row for each IBM server. Each piece of information should be in a separate cell.

  6. Click Upload.


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