Powertech Audit Report Command

The LPWRRPT command provides a command-line interface to Exit Point Manager audit reports. This allows scheduling reports through the job scheduler or other scheduling function.

Powertech Audit Report panel

Field Descriptions

Report type (RPTTYP)

Specifies the name of the basic report type. This requests a report selecting by user, location, server/function, user group or transaction. This is a required parameter.

The possible values are:

*USER A report by user should be run.
*LOCATION A report by location should be run.
*SERVER A report by server/function should be run.
*TRANSACTION A report by network transaction type should be run.
*GRPPRF A report by iSeries Group Profile should be run.
*ACCNTCDE A report by iSeries Recount Code should be run.
*PWRLCKGRP A report by Exit Point Manager Group should be run.
User Type (USERTYPE)

Specifies whether the user field is a user profile or a User Group.

Allowed values are:

U The user field is a user profile.
G The user field is a User Group
User ID (USER)

Specifies the user profile to run the report over.

This is an optional parameter.

Allowed values are:

*ALL Print the report including all user profiles.
user IDEnter a valid user profile identifier. Or, if the User Type is G, enter the User Group name.
Group Name (GROUP)

Specifies group (Account Code, Reporting Group name, or Group Profile name) for the report.

This is an optional parameter.

Allowed values are:

*ALL Print the report including all Groups of selected type.
Group ID Enter a valid user Group identifier for selected group type.
*NOGRP Print the report and do not include records associated with groups.
Location ID (LOCATION)

Specifies the SNA or TCP/IP location to run the report over.

This is an optional parameter.

Allowed values are:

*ALL Print the report including all locations.

location Enter a valid SNA or TCP/IP location. This can be a location name or a TCP/IP address.

Server to Report (SVR)

Specifies the server to run the report over.

This is an optional parameter.

Allowed values for server are:

*ALL Print the report including all servers.
server-name Enter a valid server name.
Function to Report (FNC)

Specifies the function to run the report over. This is an optional parameter.

Allowed values for function are:

*ALL Print the report including all functions.
function-name Enter a valid function name.
Transaction type (TRNTYP)

Specifies the network transaction type to run the report over. This is an optional parameter.

Allowed values are:

*RUN The report shows requests to run commands and/or programs.
*UPDATE The report shows requests to update data.
*READ The report shows requests to read data.
*MODIFY The report shows requests to modify data.
Journal type (JRNTYP)

Specifies the type of journal entry to include in the report.

This is an optional parameter.

Allowed values are:

*ALL The report includes all Exit Point Manager journal entries.
*ALLOW The report shows only Exit Point Manager allowed entries.

*REJECT The report shows only Exit Point Manager rejected entries.
Detail report (DTLREPORT)

Specifies whether a detail-level report is generated. This is an optional parameter.

Allowed values are:

*NO A detail-level report will not be generated.
*YES A detail-level report will be generated.
*TRAN A detail-level report will be generated and the transaction will be printed.
From date (FRMDAT)

Specifies the beginning date to include in the report when a date range is requested. This is an optional parameter. This parameter is mutually exclusive with PERIOD.

Allowed values are:

*BEGIN The report will begin with the oldest transactions in the journal.
*NONE The from-date is not specified. Note: This is only meaningful when a PERIOD report is requested.
date The report will begin with transactions from [including] this date. Note: If old journal receivers have been deleted, they must be restored if entries are to be included from their dates.
From time (FRMTIM)

Specifies the beginning time to include in the report when a date range is requested. This is an optional parameter. This parameter is mutually exclusive with PERIOD.

Allowed values are:

*BEGIN The report will begin with transactions in the journal with no time limit.
time The report will begin with transactions from (including) this time.
To date (TODAT)

Specifies the ending date to include in the report when a date range is requested. This is an optional parameter. This parameter is mutually exclusive with PERIOD.

Allowed values are:

*END The report will end with the newest transactions in the journal.
*NONE The to-date is not specified. Note: This is only meaningful when a PERIOD report is requested.
date The report will end with transactions from (including) this date.
To time [TOTIM]

Specifies the ending time to include in the report when a date range is requested. This is an optional parameter. This parameter is mutually exclusive with PERIOD.

Allowed values are:

*END The report will end with transactions in the journal with no time limit.
time The report will end with transactions up to (including) this time.
Prior Period [PERIOD]

Specifies the period type when a period report is requested. Period reports are intended to be run at regularly scheduled intervals. The available periods are day, week and month. Periods are considered as "prior day”, "prior week" and "prior month" and are used to avoid specifying dates for every scheduled run. Use the COUNT parameter to request multiple periods. This is an optional parameter. This parameter is mutually exclusive with FRMDAT and TODAT.

Allowed values are:

*DAY The report includes entries for the dag prior to the run-date of this command.
*WEEK The report includes entries for the week period prior to the run-date of this command.
*MONTH The report includes entries for the month period prior to the run-date of this command.
week start day (STRDAY)

Specifies the starting dag for a weekly period report.

When a period report is requested and the period type is *WEEK, this specifies the first day of each weekly period. The default is set for Sunday, but any day can be chosen. This allows weekly reports based on the customer definition of a "week". This is an optional parameter. This parameter is meaningful only when period is *WEEK.

Allowed values are:

*SUN The report includes entries for a week period beginning on Sunday and ending on Saturday.
*MON The *WEEK report begins on a Monday.
*TUE The *WEEK report begins on a Tuesday.
*WED The *WEEK report begins on a Wednesday.
*THU The *WEEK report begins on a Thursday.
*FRI The *WEEK report begins on a Friday.
*SAT The *WEEK report begins on a Saturday.
Period count [COUNT]

Specifies the number of prior periods to include when a period report is requested. This is an optional parameter.

Allowed values are:

1 The report will include a single period.
count The report will include as many periods as are given here. Note: If old journal receivers have been deleted, they must be restored if entries are to be included from their dates.
Output type [OUTPUT] Specifies the form of output.

This requests the output in either printed or database form or in a .CSV streamfile.

This is a required parameter.

The possible values are:

*PRINT The output should be a printed report.
*OUTFILE The output should be directed to a database file.
*IFS The output should be directed to a .CSV streamfile in the IFS. The streamfile will be created in the location identified in the GNUI Report Output control file (PNSGRO).
Create file [CRTFILE]

Specifies whether the output file should be created if it does not exist. This is an optional parameter.

Allowed values are:

*NO The output file should not be created. The command will fail if the file does not exist.
*YES The file will be created if it does not exist when the command executes.
IFS report name (RPTNAM)

Specifies the report name of the IFS streamfile. This name is used to log the creation and location of any IFS streamfiles that are created.

The possible values are:

report-name Enter the name of IFS report. This is a report name, not a streamfile name. IFS output is created in the users home directory. This report name identifies report requests.
Output file (OUTFILE)

Specifies the name of the database file that will contain the selected output.

The possible values are:

database-file-name Enter the name of the database file that will contain the selected output.

The possible library values are:

*CURLIB The current library will be used. If you have not assigned a library as the current library, QGPL will be used.
library-name Enter the name of the library where the database file is located.
Output member options (OUTMBR)

Specifies the member name and option when output is directed to a database file. This is an optional parameter. This is only meaningful when OUTPUT[*OUTFILE] is selected.

Allowed values for member are:

*FIRST The first [or only] member receives the output.
member-name Enter a valid member name.

Allowed values for option are:

*REPLACE The member data is replaced by this output.
*ADD The existing member data is kept and this output is added to the end of the member.

Command Keys

F3 (Exit): Exit the panel without processing any pending changes.

F4 (Prompt): Displays a list of possible values from which you may select one.

F5 (Refresh): Refreshes the panel and resets all available text fields.

F9 (All Parameters): Shows all available parameters.

F11 (Keywords): Displays command keywords on the entry fields.

F12 (Cancel): Exit the panel without processing any pending changes.

F13 (How to use this display): Shows help for the prompt display or associated display you are currently using.

F14 (Command string): Displays the command string based on the panel configuration.

F24 (More keys): Shows additional function keys that can be used for this display.


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