How Exit Point Manager Derives Authority Values for Rules

The action that Exit Point Manager takes when an incoming transaction matches a memorized transaction is determined by the Authority property value of the transaction itself. The action Exit Point Manager takes when the incoming transaction does not match a memorized transaction is determined by the Filter Rule that caused the Memorized Transactions to be interrogated.

“Matching transactions” means that the Server, Function, and User or Location on a Memorized Transaction all match exactly with the incoming transaction, and that the transaction data either matches the Memorized Transaction data exactly, or matches a generic portion of the transaction data.

When a transaction MATCHES a memorized transaction

The value you specify for the Memorized Transaction’s Authority, *OS/400, *REJECT or *SWITCH, becomes the action taken by Exit Point Manager when an incoming transaction matches the memorized transaction.

When a transaction does NOT MATCH a memorized transaction

The Authority setting on the Filter Rule that caused the Memorized Transactions to be checked will be used.

*MEMREJECT will reject the non-matching transaction.

*MEMOS400 will allow the transaction to fall through to the operating system.

*MEMSWITCH will let the transaction fall through to the operating system on behalf of a different user profile.

*MEMOBJ will check Object Rules.

*MEMUSR will check User Rules (this value is valid only for Location Rules).