Location Report Prompt

This screen allows you to select the data that you would like in your report as well as any output options that are available.

From Date

This field is the oldest transaction date you wish to see. Key this date in your job's current format.

From Time

This field is the oldest transaction time you wish to see. Key this time in your job's current format.

To Date

This field is the most recent transaction date you wish to see. Key this date in your job's current format.

Detail, transaction, or summary (D/T/S)?

This field controls the amount of information shown on the report.

Select one of the following values:

S Summary information (least amount of detail)
D Detail information.
T Transaction information (greatest amount of detail).
Output type

Specifies the form of output. This requests the output in either printed or database form or in a .CSV streamfile. This is a required value.

The possible values are:

*PRINT The output should be a printed report.
*OUTFILE The output should be directed to a database file.
*IFS The output should be directed to a .CSV streamfile in the IFS. The streamfile will be created in the location specified in the GNUI Report Output control file (PNSGRO).
Output file

Specifies the name of the database file that will contain the selected output. The resulting output file will have the same record format as the LNSJRNQY file in the Exit Point Manager library.

The possible value is:

database—file—name Enter the name of the database file that will contain the selected output.
Output file library

Specifies the name of the library in which the output file will be created.

The possible value is:

library—name Enter the name of the library where the database file is located.
Output member

Specifies the member name when output is directed to a database file. This is an optional parameter. This is only meaningful when output type *OUTFILE is selected.

Allowed values for member are:

*FIRST The first (or only) member receives the output. If no members exist in the file and you specify OUTMBR(*FIRST), a member will be added whose name will be the same as the output file name specified for Output File.
member—name Enter a valid member name.
Output member options

Specifies the option when output is directed to a database file.

Allowed values for option are:

A The existing member data is kept and this output end of the member.
R The member data is replaced by this output.
Create file

Specifies whether the output file should be created if it does not exist. This is an optional parameter.

Allowed values are:

N The output file should not be created. The command will fail if the file does not exist.
Y The file will be created if it does not exist when the command executes.
IFS report name

Specifies the report name of the IFS streamfile. This name is used to log the creation and location of any IFS streamfiles that are created.

The possible value is:

report—name Enter the name of IFS report. This is a report name, not a streamfile name. IFS output is created in a standard location. This report name identifies report requests.

Command Keys

F3 (Exit): Exit the screen without processing any pending changes.

F12 (Cancel): Exit the screen without processing any pending changes.

F13 (Msgs): Displays messages for the current user.

F14 (Submitted jobs): Displays jobs submitted from the current job.

F15 (Spooled files): Displays the current user's printed output.


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