New/Edit Object List

New/Edit Object List

How to Get There

Choose the Object Lists tab on the navigation pane on the left side of the Exit Point Manager window, then choose Add.

What it Does

The New Native Object List screen is used to define a new Native Object List. The Edit Native Object List screen is used to edit an existing Native Object List.



Choose Cancel to return to the Object Lists screen without making changes.


Choose Save to save the Object list

Field Descriptions


The name of the Object List.


The Object List's description.

ASP Group; Lookup

This is the name of an ASP Group. It is used in rule evaluation to determine if an object referenced in a transaction is the one specified on the object entries for this list.

Click Lookup to open the Select ASP Group screen where you can choose from the following ASP Groups:

*SYSBAS The Object List entries refer to those objects in *SYSBAS.

*ALL The Object List entries refer to those objects in any namespace.

Select Object Type

This is the type of Object List; Native Object, or IFS Path. The Object List type determines what type of entries can be added to an Object List. Object lists can hold native object specifications (library, object and type) or paths to IFS objects.

Native Object Library, Name, and Type (for Native Object Lists only)

In the first two fields, enter the Library and Name of the object. Choose Lookup to open the Types of Object Entries selection window where you can select the Object type.

IFS Path (for IFS Object Lists only)

Each slot includes the path of an IFS object in the Object List. This name is required to be a valid OS name.

Select which systems to save to

All managed systems are listed here. Check the systems you would like to save the Object List to. Or, check Select All to copy the Object List to all managed systems.


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