Sort and Subset Object List Entries panel

Sort and Subset Object List Entries panel

What it Does

You can subset Q-type Object List entries by library, object, and type.

Field Descriptions


Enter a library name. Leave the field blank to include all libraries. You can enter a generic name to include all libraries that contain the specified characters.

Enter <UNKNOWN> in the library field to indicate that the Object List entry applies only to unqualified objects whose library cannot be determined by Exit Point Manager. This most commonly occurs in the SQL server when SQL statements contain unqualified references.


Specify an object name. Leave the field blank to include all objects. You can enter generic characters to include all objects that contain the specified characters.


Specify the type of object to display. Leave the field blank to include all object types.

Specify the order in which to sort the Object List entries. The default order is to sort by library, then object, then type. Leave a selection blank if you don't want it to apply to the sort criteria.

Sorting I-Type Object List Entries

You can also subset I-type Object List entries by path name.


Enter a path name to display only the Object List entries in the specified directory path. Object list entries are sorted by path name. You can enter generic or wildcard characters for the path name.

Command Keys

F3 (Exit): Exit the screen without processing any pending changes.

F4 (Prompt): Displays a list of possible values from which you may select one.

F5 (Refresh): Refreshes the screen and resets all available text fields.

F12 (Cancel): Exit the screen without processing any pending changes.


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