Working with Report Group Members

A Exit Point Manager reporting group allows you to assign users (user profiles) to the reporting groups you have created. Once you've associated user profiles with the group, you can run a report on the entire group.

Entering Reporting Group Members

  1. To add members to a reporting group, select the group to which you want to add.
  2. On the Work with Reporting Groups panel, enter option 5 next to the group name.

    The Work with Exit Point Manager Group Members panel displays allowing you to add user profiles to a specified reporting group.

Work with Exit Point Manager Group Members Fields

Group Name

The name of the reporting group you selected.

User Profile

The user profiles that are members of the reporting group.

Work with Exit Point Manager Group Members Options

You can select from the following options to work with the reporting group members.

1=Add to group

Enter a 1 in the Opt column and enter the user profile you want to add to the reporting group. You can select the users you want to add by pressing F8, which switches views between group members and available users. In the Available Users view, you can enter a 1 next to multiple user profiles and add them to the group at one time.

4=Remove from group

Enter option 4 to remove a user from the reporting group.

Command Keys

F3 (Exit): Exit the current panel without processing any pending changes.

F5 (Refresh): Refreshes the panel and resets all available text fields.

F12 (Cancel): Exit the current panel without processing any pending changes.


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