JAMS Developer Guide
Enabling or Disabling a Job

If you want to temporarily enable or disable a Job, you can do this programmatically with C#. These samples show you how to enable or disable a Job.

Before you enable or disable a Job, check for any dependencies on that Job.

Enabling a Job
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// Get a connection to our JAMS Server
// You will probably have to change the node name "localhost"
// to the name of your JAMS Server
var server = Server.GetServer("localhost");

// Enable the BackupDB job.
Job.Load(out Job backupDBJob, @"\Samples\BackupDB", server);
backupDBJob.Properties.SetValue("Enabled", true);

Disabling a Job
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// Get a connection to our JAMS Server
// You will probably have to change the node name "localhost"
// to the name of your JAMS Server
var server = Server.GetServer("localhost");

// Disable the BackupDB job.
Job.Load(out Job backupDBJob, @"\Samples\BackupDB", server);
backupDBJob.Properties.SetValue("Enabled", false);



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