JAMS Developer Guide
MVPSI.JAMS.Activities.PowerShell Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy
ClassHost Info that gets passed into PSObject
ClassPSActivity looks for a PSRunspace in the Workflow context. If it doesn't find a runspace it will create an initialize one.
ClassPSActivityGeneric looks for a PSRunspace in the Workflow context. If it doesn't find a runspace it will create an initialize one.
ClassA PSRunspace activity provides a PowerShell runspace to PowerShell activities that it hosts.
ClassThe PSScript activity runs a PowerShell script
ClassThe PSScriptGeneric activity runs a PowerShell script
ClassJAMSWorkflowHost provides a PowerShell host for running PowerShell commands inside a Workflow Job.
ClassPSWrapper executes a PowerShell function or cmdlet.
ClassPSWrapperGeneric executes a PowerShell function or cmdlet.
ClassThe PSWrapperGenericPropertyDescriptor is used to define PropertyDescriptors for the dynamic properties of the PSWrapperGeneric workflow activity.
ClassThe PSWrapperPropertyDescriptor is used to define PropertyDescriptors for the dynamic properties of the PSWrapper workflow activity.
See Also


JAMS.Activities.PowerShell Assembly