JAMS Developer Guide
MVPSI.JAMS.Activities Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy
ClassThe AskQuestion activity is used to halt an executing workflow until a response is provided. This activity sends the question to the JAMS Scheduler which displays the question in the "Monitor" view. Anyone with "Manage" access to the job can respond to the question using the Monitor view's detail window.
ClassProvides an option to send a cancellation request to its body activity.
ClassThe ChangeDirectory activity changes the current directory to the path specified by NewDirectory.
ClassThe ClearEvent activity sets the specified Event to false.
ClassRuns a command script.
ClassCommandHelper manages a static dictionary of commands assigned to activities within a workflow. Values of the dictionary are: 0 = NoChange 1 = Skip 2 = Hold
ClassThe Comment activity allows for its child activities to easily be disabled or enabled.
ClassThe CopyFile activity copies the file(s) matching in the source location into the destination location.
ClassThe DeleteFile activity deletes the file(s) matching the Path specification.
ClassDeletes the message on the mail server with the corresponding header.
ClassThe ExecuteCMD activity is used to execute a single command using CMD.EXE
ClassExecutes ANY process / executable
ClassGeneric Class to execute a PowerShell Script
ClassChanges the working directory (inside the current file transfer session
ClassCreates a new directory (inside the current file transfer session
ClassDeletes a file (inside the current file transfer session
ClassDownloads a file (inside the current file transfer session
ClassFetches the path of the current directory (inside the current file transfer session
ClassFetches a file's creation date (inside the current file transfer session
ClassFetches a file's size (inside the current file transfer session
ClassFetches a list of files in a directory (inside the current file transfer session
ClassRenames a file (inside the current file transfer session
ClassSends a specific command to the current file transfer session
ClassUploads a file (inside the current file transfer session
ClassThe ForEachAttachment activity looks for one or more mail messages that match a mail specification and downloads the attachments to the specified working directory. If an attachment name is not specified, all attachments will be downloaded from the matching messages. The Activity then invokes the body activity once for each downloaded attachment.
ClassThe ForEachAttachmentPropertyDescriptor is used to define PropertyDescriptors for the dynamic properties of the ForEachAttachment workflow activity.
ClassThe ForEachFile activity looks for one or more files that match a file specification and it invokes the body activity once for each matching file.
ClassThe ForEachLine activity reads the content of the specified file and runs the child activity for each line.
ClassThe ForEachMailMessage activity looks for one or more mail messages that match a mail specification and it invokes the body activity once for each matching message.
ClassThe ForEachMailMessagePropertyDescriptor is used to define PropertyDescriptors for the dynamic properties of the ForEachMailMessage workflow activity.
ClassThe FtpDownload activity downloads a file using FTP
ClassAn FTPSession activity hosts an FTP connection for other FileTransferSession activities
ClassThe FtpDownload activity downloads a file using FTP
ClassThe GetContent activity returns the content of the specified file.
ClassGets a collection of Mail Headers on the Server that match the specified mask. The returned collection is a List of JAMSMailMessageInfo objects.
ClassGets a JAMSMailMessage object for the specified header on the server.
ClassGets the current folder on the Mail Server
ClassGets the value of a JAMS Variable.
ClassAn IMAP Session Hosts a mail server connection.
ClassUsed when executing JAMS workflows outside of JAMS
ClassThe JAMSMailAddress class defines an mail address from a mail message.
ClassThe JAMSMailAttachment class defines a mail attachment on a message.
ClassThe JAMSMailMessage class defines the full message of an email on a mail server.
ClassThe JAMSMailMessageInfo class defines a mail header of a message on a mail server.
ClassJAMSNativeActivityGeneric is a base class for activities that support commands.
ClassJAMSNativeActivityGeneric is a generic base class for activities that support commands.
ClassThe JAMSTrackingRecord is used to send control and status information to the JAMSScheduler.
ClassThe ManagedActivity provides an execution scope in which activities can be canceled or retried.
ClassThe MoveFile activity moves the file(s) matching the Source variable to the Destination specification.
ClassClass Non-Blocking Native Activity
ClassNonblockingNativeActivityGeneric is the base class for activities with asynchronous execution that require a generic result.
ClassThe Odbc Script Activity runs SQL Commands through an Odbc connection.
ClassThe OleDb Script Activity runs SQL Commands through an OleDb connection.
ClassThe PersistEvent class is responsible for persisting data for the SetEvent and WaitForEvent classes. If you are using JAMS to execute you workflows, the PersistEvent is automatically registered for you. If you are using a different workflow host, you must register the PersistEvent as a Persistence provider by doing: yourWorkflowApplication.Extensions.Add(new MVPSI.JAMS.Activities.PersistEvent());
ClassThe PGPSign activity creates a decrypted output file based on the encrypted input file and the recipient.
ClassThe PGPEncrypt activity creates an encrypted output file based on the input file and the recipient.
ClassThe PGPSign activity creates an signed output file based on the input file and the signer.
ClassThe PgpUnsign activity creates an unsigned output file based on the signed input file and the recipient.
ClassThe PgpVerifySignature activity tests that the signed input file are from the sender.
ClassA POPSession hosts a mail server connection.
ClassThe ProcessEmails activity looks for one or more emails that match a specified mask and it invokes the body activity once for each matching email.
ClassThe ProcessFiles activity looks for one or more files that match a file specification and it invokes the body activity once for each matching file.
ClassProtectedEvent is the base class for Event activities and provides a dictionary to store data about Events
ClassThe RenameFile activity renames the file matching the Path variable to the NewName specification.
ClassThe Repeat Activity hosts one or more activities that are repeated at an interval.
ClassThe S3Download activity downloads a file using S3
ClassAn S3Session activity hosts an Amazon S3 connection for other FileTransferSession activities
ClassThe S3Upload activity uploads a file using S3
ClassSaves attachments on a mail message to the file system. By default all attachments on the message will be saved to the target directory unless a specific attachment name is specified.
ClassThe ScpDownload activity downloads a file using SCP
ClassAn SCPSession activity hosts an SCP connection for other FileTransferSession activities
ClassThe ScpDownload activity downloads a file using SCP
ClassThe SendEmail Activity sends an email to the specified recipient.
ClassSerializableKeyValuePair has a key and value property that notifies when the properties have been changed. This allows the class to be bound to in a designer such as AmazonEMRDefineKeyValuePairsDialog.
ClassSets an Event. Any WaitForEvent activities that are waiting for the event will resume execution.
ClassThe SetJAMSContext activity is only need if you are using the JAMS Activities in an execution environment other than JAMS. When a workflow is being executed by JAMS, the JAMS Context is automatically established. If you are using JAMS Activities outside of JAMS, you can either set the JAMS Server in each activity or, add a SetJAMSContext activity to the workflow and all of the JAMS activities that follow will pick up their JAMS Server from the SetJAMSContext activity.
ClassThe SetJAMSStatus activity is used to set the JobStatus, Icon, and Message of the Workflow.
ClassSets the current folder on the mail server.
ClassThe SetToday activity sets the value of "Today" in the Workflow's execution context.
ClassThe SetVariable activity is used to set the value of a JAMS Variable.
ClassThe FtpDownload activity downloads a file using SFTP
ClassAn SFTPSession activity hosts an SFTP connection for other FileTransferSession activities
ClassThe FtpDownload activity downloads a file using SFTP
ClassSQLQueryScalar runs a SQL query and returns a single result. The activity executes the query and returns the first column of the first row in the result set returned by the query.
ClassThe SQL Script Activity runs SQL Commands.
ClassThe Submit activity will submit another JAMS job or setup. The activity can wait for the completion of the submitted job or setup and can take different actions depending on the success or failure of the entry.
ClassThe SubmitEntry activity will submit another JAMS job or setup. The activity can wait for the completion of the submitted job or setup and can take different actions depending on the success or failure of the entry.
ClassThe SubmitEntryPropertyDescriptor is used to define PropertyDescriptors for the dynamic properties of the SubmitEntry workflow activity.
ClassThe TimeLimit Activity will execute it's child Activities until they complete or the time limit is reached. The following actions can be taken if the time limit is exceeded:
  • Abort the Workflow
  • Send standard JAMS notification and allow the Activity to continue
  • Cancel the Activity and continue the Workflow
ClassClass UnZip Files for unZipping one or more files
ClassThe WaitForEvent activity waits for the specified Event to be set by a SetEvent activity. If the event has already been set, WaitForEvent completes immediatly.
ClassThe WaitForFile activity waits for the presence of a specified file.
ClassClass WaitForJob, inherits from CodeActivity
ClassClass WaitForResource
ClassClass ZipFiles for zipping up one or more files
InterfaceISupportCommands is used by Workflow activities that can receive interactive commands before and during workflow execution.
EnumerationValid Base Times for the Interval
EnumerationEnum for SSLMode
See Also


JAMS.Activities Assembly