JAMS Developer Guide
EntryTokenProperties Class Properties

MVPSI.JAMSScheduler Namespace : EntryTokenProperties Class

For a list of all members of this type, see EntryTokenProperties members.

Public Properties
Public PropertyGets or Sets an AttachLogFileStream Stream  
Public PropertyGets the Current Job  
Public PropertyGets a Job  
Public PropertyGets the log file as a string. It may also return a string that indicates that the log file could not be returned.  
Public PropertyChecks to see if the log file can be attached to the e-mail message and returns a string that indicates the result. For example, it could return "The log file is attached" or "The log file is too big to attach".  
Public PropertyGets or Sets the MaximumLogInclude  
See Also


EntryTokenProperties Class
MVPSI.JAMSScheduler Namespace