JAMS Developer Guide
DateDetail Class Members
Properties  Methods 

MVPSI.JAMS Namespace : DateDetail Class

The following tables list the members exposed by DateDetail.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorCreates a new DateDetail.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyGets an integer that uniquely identifies the DateType definition for this DateDetail. This is for use by the JAMS system and should not be used in user-code.  
Public PropertyGets the name of the Date Type of the date which you are defining. Every Date definition must be associated with a Date Type, but the same date may be associated with more than one Date Type.  
Public PropertyGets or sets the description of this DateDetail. It should be used to accurately identify this date definition. It is for reference purposes only.  
Public PropertyIs this object in the middle of an edit?  
Public PropertyGets the date and time when this DetailDate definition was last changed.  
Public PropertyGets the UTC date and time when this DetailDate definition was last changed.  
Public PropertyGets the JAMS server where this DateDetail is stored.  
Public PropertyThe Modified property keeps track of modified state of this object. You cannot set the Modified property. If you modify the object, the modified property will be true until you end or cancel the update.  
Public PropertyThe NewObject property indicates that this object has just been created and has never been saved on a JAMS Server.  
Public PropertyGets or sets the DateDetailList that this DateDetail is a member of.  
Public PropertyGets or sets the Specific Type. This property represents the specific name of the date you are defining. This is not required. However, if you specify a value, it must be one of the values defined in the Date Type’s definition.

This property is significant when you want to refer to a specific instance of a Date Type. If you want to schedule a job to run on Christmas, you could define a Date Type of HOLIDAY with a Specific Date Type of CHRISTMAS.

For a continuous Date Type, such as a fiscal period, this field can be used to name each period. Generally fiscal periods correspond to calendar months so you could use Specific Date Types such as JAN, FEB, MAR etc. This would allow you to enter a date specification such as "2ND MONDAY OF FISCAL APR".

Public PropertyGets or sets the date you are defining. If the Date Type you specified is a continuous Date Type, then this date represents the first day of a period, otherwise it represents a single significant date.  
Public PropertyGet or set the WorkDay Property. You have three options for this property: True, False, or Not Specified. When JAMS needs to know if a date is a workday, first it looks at the date definitions for the date in question. If it finds one with either a True or False in this property, it stops checking and has the answer. If none of the date definitions for this date specify True or False (or there are no definitions for this date), then JAMS checks the configuration to see if the day of the week on which this date falls is normally a workday.

Not Specified is generally the right setting unless one of the reasons for creating the date definition is to change the workday status. Be careful because if you create two definitions for the same date, one that says this is a workday and one that says this is not a workday, JAMS will stop checking when it finds the first definition.

Public Methods
Public MethodBegins a new edit  
Public MethodCancels the current edit  
Public MethodClears the modified flags  
Public MethodImplementation of ICloneable Clone method.  
Public MethodImplementation of IComparable CompareTo. Compares this instance to the one specified.  
Public MethodOverloaded. Delete the Date definition.  
Public MethodEnds the current edit  
Public MethodInitializes all properties to their default values.  
Public MethodMarks the DateDetail as modified.  
Public MethodReturns a string representation of this DateDetail.  
Public MethodUndo changes that have not been saved to the database.  
Public MethodOverloaded. Save updates to the JAMS Server  
See Also


DateDetail Class
MVPSI.JAMS Namespace