JAMS Developer Guide
Folder Class Members
Properties  Methods  Events

MVPSI.JAMS Namespace : Folder Class

The following tables list the members exposed by Folder.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorCreates a new Folder.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyAccess Control List  
Public PropertyGets the batch queue that Jobs within the Folder should be submitted to.  
Public PropertyGets the name of the batch queue that Jobs within the Folder should be submitted to.  
Public PropertyA description of this Folder.  
Public PropertyA collection of components which apply to jobs in this folder.  
Public PropertyGets an error message that describes the errors in the object. (Inherited from MVPSI.JAMS.BasePublicObject)
Public PropertyGets the default Credentials for Jobs in this Folder.  
Public PropertyGets and Sets the ID of the default Credentials for jobs in this Folder. This property is designed to be used by JAMS, not user code.  
Public PropertyGets the username of the default Credentials for Jobs in this Folder.  
Public PropertyThe FolderID is a unique number used to identify a Folder.  
Public PropertyThe name of the Folder  
Public PropertyThe HasErrors property can be used to determine if the object has any errors. If the object needs to be validated, it is done before returning. (Inherited from MVPSI.JAMS.BasePublicObject)
Public PropertyGets or sets the directory where jobs should begin execution.  
Public PropertyIs this object in the middle of an edit? (Inherited from MVPSI.JAMS.BasePublicObject)
Public PropertyReturns any error messages currently associated with this column. (Inherited from MVPSI.JAMS.BasePublicObject)
Public PropertyThe date and time that this Folder definition was last changed.  
Public PropertyUser who last changed this Folder.  
Public PropertyThe UTC date and time that this Folder definition was last changed.  
Public PropertyReturns the JAMS Server that this Folder was loaded from.  
Public PropertyThis field specifies the location (device/directory) where batch log files should be placed.  
Public PropertyThe Modified property keeps track of modified state of this object. You cannot set the Modified property. If you modify the object, the modified property will be true until you end or cancel the update. (Inherited from MVPSI.JAMS.BasePublicObject)
Public PropertyThe name of the Folder  
Public PropertyThe NewObject property indicates that this object has just been created and has never been saved on a JAMS Server. (Inherited from MVPSI.JAMS.BasePublicObject)
Public PropertyGets or sets the list of Mail addresses, separated by commas. If a Job in this Folder requires notification, a mail message will be sent to this list of addresses.  
Public PropertyGets the list of Parameters for this Folder.  
Public PropertyGets or sets the JAMS Folder that this Folder is a member of.  
Public PropertyGets the Parent Folder ID for this Folder. This property is designed to be used by JAMS, not user code.  
Public PropertyGets or sets the fully qualified name of the JAMS Folder that this folder is a member of.  
Public PropertyA collection of PropertyValues for this Folder  
Public Property  
Public PropertyReturn the fully-qualified name for this folder  
Public PropertyGets a list of References to this Folder.  
Public PropertyGets or sets the default retention policy for Jobs in this Folder. The options are:

Always (A) Jobs are always retained until specifically deleted.
Never (N) Never retain jobs.
Error (E) Jobs are retained if they complete with a severity of Warning or worse.
Timed (T) Jobs are retained for the specified time after completion.

Public PropertyGets or sets the length of time the job should be retained if the retain option is set to "Timed".  
Public PropertyGets a list of Folder versions.  
Public PropertyThis number is used to calculate the scheduling priority for Jobs in this Folder. When a Job is submitted by the JAMS, the scheduling priority is calculated by adding together the default scheduling priority, the Folder’s priority modifier and the Job’s priority modifier.  
Public PropertyGets or sets the Folder's Search Path.  
Public PropertyThe Short Job Elapsed Time Percent specifies a minimum elapsed time for a job. If the job completes successfully in less than this amount of time it is considered a Short Job. This is specified as a percentage of the jobs average elapsed time. When a job is determined to be a short job, JAMS will perform notification for the job and may change the completion severity of the job.  
Public PropertyThe Tags object manages the tags applied to this Folder.  
Public PropertyThe Template Library specifies the full file specification which contains the JAMS templates used when parsing a Job. Refer to Templates and Job Parsing for a complete description of template libraries.  
Public PropertyWhen the field is true, batch log files be time stamped with an extension of .LOG_yyyymmdd_hhmmsscc.  
Public PropertyThe Validated property keeps track of the validation state of this object. If the object has been modified, Validated will be false until the object has been successfully validated by the Validate method. (Inherited from MVPSI.JAMS.BasePublicObject)
Public Methods
Public MethodStarts an edit of this object. (Inherited from MVPSI.JAMS.BasePublicObject)
Public MethodCancels an edit of this object. (Inherited from MVPSI.JAMS.BasePublicObject)
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Check to see if a Folder is valid and the caller has the access desired.  
Public MethodClears the error message for a property. (Inherited from MVPSI.JAMS.BasePublicObject)
Public MethodOverridden. Clear the modified flag of this Folder and all of the attached lists.  
Public MethodImplementation of ICloneable Clone.  
Public MethodImplementation of IComparable CompareTo. Compares this instance to the one specified.  
Public MethodCopy the Folder with a new name and/or server  
Public MethodOverloaded. Delete the Folder definition.  
Public MethodEnds an edit of this object. Any changes are saved. (Inherited from MVPSI.JAMS.BasePublicObject)
Public MethodChecks for equality.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Overloaded. Test to determine if a given Folder exists on the default server.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Overloaded. Returns a Collection of Folders contained in the specified folder.  
Public MethodOverloaded. Gets a FolderSecurity object that encapsulates the access control list (ACL) entries for the Folder described by the current Folder object.  
Public MethodGets a list of Child Names of the Folder  
Public MethodGets All Documentation based on inherited folders and job definition.  
Public MethodReturns a collection of descendant FolderIDs  
Public MethodReturns a hashcode.  
Public MethodInitializes a Folder to default values.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Overloaded. Load the Folder with the specified name from the specified JAMS Server.  
Public MethodSave the Folder with a new name and/or server and remove the old instance of the folder.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Test to determine whether ANY type of folder object (or folder) exists at the given path on the specified server.  
Public MethodReads Folder values from XML  
Public MethodResets the Statistics of Jobs and Setup's within a Folder.  
Public MethodResets triggers on the folder that match the passed name. If the name is null or empty, all of the folder's triggers are reset.  
Public MethodSave the Folder with a new name and/or server.  
Public MethodApplies access control list (ACL) entries described by a FolderSecurity object to the Folder described by the current Folder object.  
Public MethodSets the error message for a property. (Inherited from MVPSI.JAMS.BasePublicObject)
Public MethodMarks the object as modified. (Inherited from MVPSI.JAMS.BasePublicObject)
Public MethodConvert a Folder to a String  
Public MethodUndo changes. (Inherited from MVPSI.JAMS.BasePublicObject)
Public MethodOverloaded. Overridden. Save pending updates.  
Public MethodOverloaded. Overridden. Validate all properties.  
Public MethodWrite the Folder definition as XML  
Protected Methods
Protected MethodAttempts to raise the PropertyChanged event (Inherited from MVPSI.JAMS.BasePublicObject)
Protected MethodAttempts to raise the PropertyChanging event (Inherited from MVPSI.JAMS.BasePublicObject)
Protected MethodSaveOriginal is called when an edit is about to begin. You override this method to save the original values. (Inherited from MVPSI.JAMS.BasePublicObject)
Public Events
Public EventEvent Handler for Property Changed Event (Inherited from MVPSI.JAMS.BasePublicObject)
Public EventEvent Handler for Property Changing Event (Inherited from MVPSI.JAMS.BasePublicObject)
See Also


Folder Class
MVPSI.JAMS Namespace